Mar 13, 2025  
2014 - 2015 Updated Catalog through 1/6/15 
2014 - 2015 Updated Catalog through 1/6/15 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements for All Degrees

All NWFSC degree programs contain both specialized courses and general education courses. Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Science and Associate in Arts students complete at least thirty-six (36) general education credits from five subject area categories. Associate in Science students complete at least eighteen (18) general education credits from five (5) subject areas. The general education component of each program is designed to further the mission and goals of the college. Upon successful completion of general education coursework, the student will:

  • demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and speaking;
  • apply reflection, analysis, synthesis, logical reasoning and evaluation to formulate judgments, reach decisions and solve problems;
  • understand and apply mathematical and scientific principles and methods;
  • find, evaluate, organize and use information accurately and effectively;
  • participate actively as informed and responsible citizens in social, cultural, global and environmental matters.

The NWFSC General Education Program is designed to conform to all applicable regional accreditation criteria, Florida State Board of Education Rules, and the Florida Statewide Articulation Agreement. To that end, the program incorporates a Technology-Across-the-Curriculum component, a Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum requirement, and minimum grade and writing requirements as stipulated in Florida’s “Gordon Rule.”


Competence in basic technology skills is an essential component of life. Accordingly, NWFSC has incorporated technology throughout its programs and courses. Each two-year degree program contains at least one course that requires the student to demonstrate fundamental technology skills. All ENC 1101 - English Composition I  classes are taught in a computer classroom, and students are required to complete assignments and other activities on a computer. CGS 1100 - Microcomputer Applications  is a requirement or prerequisite course in many A.S. degrees. In support of the technology requirement, NWFSC offers student access to and technical supoort in open computer labs at all college sites.

B.A.S., B.S., A.A. and A.S. degree-seeking students will meet the computer technology skill requirement through completion of ENC 1101 and/or CGS 1100 and may encounter more advanced computer skills in other elective, technical or general education courses. See the course descriptions section of this catalog for the courses designated as part of the Technology-Across-the-Curriculum program.


All associate degree students must complete at least one three-credit writing class as part of their general education program. Additional writing activities are required in all general education humanities courses. Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Science and Associate in Arts students must complete twelve (12) to fifteen (15) college credits from designated general education Gordon Rule Communication, Humanities and Social Science subject areas. See the A.A. General Education section of catalog for specific courses.

Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum (SATC)

Oral communication is an integral part of the NWFSC general education program; thus several general education courses include graded activities designed to build speaking and communication skills. All B.A.S., B.S., A.A., and A.S. degree-seekers must satisfy the Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum requirement and may do so by completing at least one of the general education courses designated as part of the Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum component of the General Education program. Students who successfully complete other speech, forensics, or oral interpretation courses may request that such courses be used to satisfy this requirement. See the A.A. General Education section of catalog for specific courses.

Gordon Rule Courses

Florida’s Gordon Rule (FAC Rule 6A-10.030) includes a legislative mandate that all baccalaureate and Associate in Arts graduates successfully complete specific math and writing requirements. B.A.S., B.S. and A.A. graduates must have successfully completed at least 21 college credits from designated general education Gordon Rule Communication, Humanities, Social Science and Mathematics subject areas.  A.S graduates must have successfully completed at least 9-12 college credits from designated general education Gordon Rule Communication, Humanities, Social Science and Mathematics subject areas (SATC Humanities may be replaced with General Humanities in the AS degree as long as Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum is met elsewhere. General Social Science may replace Gordon Rule Social Science, thus lowering the Gordon Rule requirement for the AS degree from 12 to 9 college credits).

All B.A.S., B.S., A.A. and A.S. degree-seekers must also earn a grade of “C” or higher in each Gordon Rule course used to satisfy general education requirements, whether the credits are earned at NWFSC or elsewhere.

Diversity Focus for Teacher Education Programs

Students who plan to enter any of the Teacher Education programs leading to certification must complete 6 semester hours of coursework with an international or diversity focus, in addition to EDF 2085 - Introduction to Diversity for Educators . Any course identified as meeting NWFSC’s Diversity Requirement will fulfill this requirement, including foreign language courses.
