Sep 15, 2024  
2014 - 2015 Updated Catalog through 1/6/15 
2014 - 2015 Updated Catalog through 1/6/15 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Registration is the process of enrolling in courses and obtaining your schedule for the next term. Registration is required before a student can attend classes. Student can register online through RaiderNet. Specific information about registration for a particular term is given in the Schedule of Classes which is available online at

Students may register by computer via the college website or in person. Any student who has previously attended the college, and who has not been in attendance within one academic year, must reapply online at to update personal data, verify education goals, and residency.

Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollment Status

Student Type Full Time Part time
College Credit, Vocational, Developmental 12 or more credit hours less than 6 credit hours
Adult Basic Ed, ESOL, GED 24 contact hours  

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the number of semester hours they have earned.


Freshman A student who has fewer than 24 hours
Sophomore A student who has 24 hours to 59 hours.


Junior A student who has 60 to 89 hours
Senior A student who has 90 or more

Academic Load

The maximum load that may be carried by a student each term is eighteen (18) credit hours. Students seeking to enroll in more than eighteen (18) developmental, vocational, and/or college credits in a single term must have the prior approval of an advisor.

Audit Status

A student registering in a college- credit course on a “not-for-credit” basis will be enrolled in an audit status. Upon completion of the course, an “X” grade will be awarded with no impact on the student’s GPA. A student may elect to change to audit after the end of the advertised drop/add period. An “XC” will count as an attempt toward full cost of instruction/repeat rules. Students auditing a class are not required to complete examinations but are expected to attend classes and participate in other activities and requirements on the same basis as students seeking credit. Some occupational courses may not be available on an audit basis. A student wishing to audit an occupational course must obtain permission in advance from the appropriate department head or division director. Audit enrollment in studio art classes is permitted on a space-available basis only.

Schedule Changes during the Schedule Adjustment Period

Changes in courses or sections may be made during the schedule adjustment period specified in the college calendar. Any such change can be accomplished either in person, by completing and processing the required forms at any NWFSC campus or center, or by logging on to RaiderNet.

Withdrawing From Courses

Enrollment Registration Period Time Frame Transcripts Grades Refund
Schedule Adjustment Period Add or Drop a Class First Week of Full Term No Record Recorded Full Refund
Withdraw Drop one or more classes Up to 60% period of the semester W Grade No Refund
Complete Withdrawal from College No longer a currently enrolled student -
Must consult with an Academic Advisor
Up to 60% period of the semester W Grade No Refund
Administrative Withdrawal Mitigating Circumstances only with Dean Approval Anytime W Grade No Refund

Student Initiated Drop prior to or during the Schedule Adjustment Period

If a student withdraws from a course within the established schedule adjustment period, the transaction is considered dropping a course and no record of the enrollment will appear on the student’s transcript, nor will the enrollment count as an attempt for purposes of full cost or repeat rules.

Developmental courses are not permitted to be dropped without first meeting with an Academic Advisor. Students must remain enrolled in at least one developmental course each term until developmental requirements are satisfied.

Student Initiated Withdrawal after the Schedule Adjustment Period

Students are permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course in college credit, vocational or developmental courses. Upon the third and any subsequent attempt in such a course, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for the course.

A student-initiated withdrawal can be processed up to the withdrawal deadline posted in the College Calendar. Withdraws can be completed using RaiderNet or by submitting a signed withdrawal form at the registration desk at any campus or center. If the student has not exceeded the approved number of withdrawals, the student will receive a grade of “W” on his/her transcript.

Complete Withdrawal from College

A currently enrolled student may completely withdraw from all of their classes up to the withdrawal deadline posted in the College Calendar and will no longer be considered a current student. The transcript will reflect a grade of a “W” for all classes. The student must first consult with an Academic Advisor to complete the process. Financial Aid recipients and student athletes must check with the appropriate representative to determine if there will be financial ramifications for withdrawing.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students may be administratively withdrawn from college for reasons such as violation of college policies, procedures, student code of conduct, or for other mitigating circumstances. The Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Dean of Students can administratively withdraw a student. Instructors may withdraw students who do not attend during the first week of class.