Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Updated Catalog through 2/22/2021 
2020-2021 Updated Catalog through 2/22/2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Distance Learning


NWF Online

Technology and the Internet are integral parts of the education process at NWF State College. In keeping with current educational practice, students will be expected to use computer technology and internet communication throughout their college experience. All classes offered at NWF State College may require use of the Internet; such use may vary depending on the class delivery mode (traditional, hybrid, or online).

NWF Online’s website (http://online.nwfsc.edu) supports student learning through various methods and serves as the portal to online classrooms. The site provides access to online classes for Distance Learning students and for students in traditional and hybrid classes using the College’s online learning environment, Blackboard Learn.

Technical support for students using Blackboard is available on the NWF Online website.

Online Classes

Online instruction reaches students needing flexibility and convenience. Online courses are conducted 100% online. 

Hybrid Classes

Hybrid classes are traditional college classes combined with online activities to reduce class seat time. Hybrid classes provide the advantages of limited face-to-face instruction combined with the convenience of online learning. Thus, hybrid classes meet less often than a traditional class but provide the same course credit as a traditional class.

Online Instruction

NWF State College offers students the convenience and flexibility of earning course credits through various delivery modes so that students may take control of their own education by working and learning at times and places convenient to them. Online and hybrid classes carry the same course numbers and credits as their traditional counterparts and appear on the student’s transcript just as any other course does; there is no designator on the transcript identifying a course as online or hybrid. Credits earned are transferable and are applicable to graduation requirements in the same manner as traditional classes. All NWF State College courses, including all online and hybrid courses, are taught by faculty holding credentials in the relevant subject matter. Students can search for online and hybrid classes by clicking the Class Search Quick link at https://ps-ssb.nwfsc.edu/PROD/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched.

Online Course Orientations

To ensure the success of each student, every online instructor will provide an online orientation to Blackboard and the course. Course orientations contain crucial information, such as course pace, how to submit assignments, grading requirements, testing arrangements, and strategies for improving student success. 

Final Examinations

Final examinations for online classes will be given within Blackboard. Online final exams are held at the end of each term and must be taken at the scheduled time unless other arrangements are approved in advance by the appropriate division director or department head. Final exam schedules are printed in the Schedule of Classes and are on the NWF State College website calendar for each term.

Online Support Services

NWF State College is committed to offering students the same quality of education through online and hybrid courses as it offers in the classroom. In addition to online tutoring support and online library help through Ask-a-Librarian, distance learning students have full access to college services at all physical locations. They may use on-campus resources, such as the Academic Success Center, Academic Advising and computer labs. The process for seeking assistance for NWF Online classes is to email online@nwfsc.edu.

Online and hybrid courses are subject to the same rules as traditional, in-class courses for refunds, prerequisites, placement, withdrawals, repeat rules, grading, and other academic policies. Depending on student eligibility, financial assistance is generally available for these courses in the same manner as it is for traditional courses.


Distance Learning students are provided the opportunity to test through ProctorU. Students should log on to https://www.proctoru.com/portal/nwfsc to register and create an appointment. This service requires a webcam and microphone and the test candidate will be monitored through the computer screen. Tests should be scheduled at least 3 days in advance; for testing options outside this 72-hour window, additional fees may apply. Visit https://support.proctoru.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028406332-What-are-Premium-Fees-and-Premium-Scheduling-Rescheduling- to learn more about optional fees associated with proctoring.