Mar 31, 2025  
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid/Veteran’s Affairs

NWF State College’s mission is to serve everyone who can benefit from a college education. No one should hesitate to apply for admission because of financial need. The college offers a variety of financial assistance for students such as Grants, Scholarships, Loans and Work Programs. Information on these types of financial aid along with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available on the NWF State College Financial Aid website or from the Office of Financial Aid on the Niceville Campus.

Financial assistance administered by NWF State College does not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, or marital status. Specific criteria and academic standing information may be required for particular assistance or scholarships.

Financial Aid Students’ Rights and Responsibilities


As a financial aid applicant or recipient, students have the following rights:

  • To be advised of what financial aid programs are available and how to apply for them.
  • To be advised of the requirements in cases of withdrawal, such as refunds or repayments of financial aid.
  • To be advised of the requirements for maintaining financial aid standards of academic progress and good academic standing.
  • To have all application information treated with the highest confidentiality.


As a financial aid applicant or recipient, students have the following responsibilities:

  • To apply for financial aid early if a student wishes to be considered for financial assistance.
  • To submit all required forms accurately, completely, and in a timely manner.
  • To provide documentation, verification of income, corrections, and/or any information to complete their financial aid file.
  • To accept responsibility for all forms and agreements the student signs.
  • To use financial aid for the student’s actual educational expenses.
  • To know whether or not the courses they enroll in are compliant for financial aid.

College Costs

NWF State College’s fees are designed to make college affordable for most students. Other indirect education costs may include room and board, personal expenses, medical insurance, transportation and supplies. Dependent students usually have parental support, reducing indirect education costs.

Steps in Applying for Financial Aid

  1. Complete the NWF State College Application for Admission and Residency.
  2. Request appropriate supporting documents for admission (i.e. high school transcript, GED, college transcripts).
  3. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
  4. 24 hours after completing the FAFSA, the student will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). The SAR must be reviewed by the student for accuracy.
  5. Check RaiderNet 5 days after submitting the FAFSA for red flags (Federal Verification Form, Institutional Application for Aid, signed federal income tax transcript, W-2 forms, SAP, etc.).
  6. If a student’s financial aid file is “complete”, then an award letter will be emailed to the student by the college’s Financial Aid Office. Awards listed on a student’s award letter are tentative and are not final. Awards can be either adjusted or canceled at any time due to enrollment, academic standing or availability of funds.

Timelines for Applying for Financial Aid

Applications for federal financial aid should be made well in advance of registration by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Fall Term Spring Term Summer Term
May 15 October 1 February 1

Students not meeting the priority timeline may still qualify for financial aid but may experience lengthy delays in receiving financial aid.

The absolute last day for determining enrollment status (i.e. part-time, three-quarter time, or full-time) is the last day to register for Session 1 courses during each term. (These dates are listed in the Schedule of Classes each term and the calendar section of this catalog.) Students must be enrolled in all classes that will be included in their enrollment status, including late starting classes, by the last day to register for Session I.

All FAFSA applications for the Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) dated May 15, 2015 or earlier will be given first priority in determining FSAG eligibility. All FAFSA applications for the Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) dated May 15, 2015 or earlier will be given first priority in determining FWS and FSEOG eligibility.

Enrollment Status

The amount of federal financial aid a student is eligible to receive is dependent on the student’s enrollment status each term based on the following table. Credit hours are computed using all developmental and college credits in which the student is enrolled.

Full-Time Enrollment Three-Quarter Time Enrollment Half-Time Enrollment Less Than Half-Time Enrollment
12 or more credit hours 9-11 credit hours 6-8 credit hours 1-5 credit hours
450 clock hours Clock hours/program length* Clock hours/program length* Clock hours/program length*

*To determine enrollment status other than full-time, as established by federal regulation, the number of clock hours the student is enrolled in is divided by the program length.

  • Enrollment status is based upon number of credit hours enrolled in at the END of schedule adjustment period each term.
  • The amount of the award will not increase if students add a class after that schedule adjustment period.
  • To retain enrollment status, student must attend all of their classes. Attendance for distance learning courses is defined as attending an orientation; participating in the course, as defined by the instructor; submitting course assignments, as required, to the instructor; or initiating contact with the instructor.
  • Failure to attend any enrolled course will lower the award status and amount.
  • Award emails are sent to notify students the disbursement amount based upon the number of enrolled credit hours.

Enrollment status will be determined by the number of credit hours or clock hours in which a student was enrolled on the date a student’s eligibility is verified.

The end of the Schedule Adjustment Period is the last day to register for Session 1 courses during each term (Fall, Spring and Summer), as listed in the college catalog. These dates are firm. For other types of aid (state, private, etc.), the enrollment status and award amounts each term will be determined according to the requirements of each fund. For all types of aid, the enrollment status for block time, condensed or off-term classes will be determined by the Director of Financial Aid in consultation with the Dean of Students.

Student Eligibility


For a student to be eligible for federal financial aid at NWF State College, a student must:

  • Be accepted for enrollment in an approved program of study, have a high school diploma or GED
  • Be a U.S. citizen, or an eligible non-citizen
  • Not owe a refund or repayment on a federal grant at any institution
  • Not be in default on a federally-funded or insured student loan
  • Must maintain satisfactory academic progress standards


For a student to be eligible for State of Florida financial aid (i.e. FSAG, FSAG-CE) at the college, a student must:

  • Have demonstrated a financial need (complete the FAFSA application)
  • Have met the advertised deadline
  • Have been a resident of Florida for one year or be classified as a Florida resident by the Registrar’s Office
  • Be degree-seeking (enrolled in an A.A., A.S., A.A.S., B.S., B.A.S., or certificate program)
  • Have a 2.0 or higher grade point average (GPA) on all previous college work
  • A student must have earned credit hours equivalent to his/her enrollment status during each term of the prior academic year in which state aid was received, (12 credit hours or 360 vocational hours for each term of full-time enrollment, 9 credit hours or 270 vocational hours for each term of three-quarter-time enrollment and 6 credit hours or 180 vocational hours for each term of half-time enrollment), and
  • A student enrolled as a full-time student (minimum 12 credit hours or 360 vocational hours) is eligible for a full-time FSAG or FSAG-CE award. A student enrolled part-time (6 to 11 credit hours per term or 180 to 330 vocational hours) is eligible for a part-time FSAG or FSAG-CE award. Part-time awards will be prorated according to enrollment status. FSAG and FSAG-CE awards will be offered until the limited funds are exhausted.

NOTE: An applicant who believes State of Florida financial aid has been wrongly denied has a right to appeal. The applicant may appeal to the Financial Aid Office if he/she believes an error has been made in determining eligibility.

Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

To be eligible for financial aid, all students, including students transferring to NWF State College from another institution, must meet NWF State College’s standards of satisfactory academic progress for financial aid. Student academic progress is reviewed at the end of each term. A transferring student’s satisfactory progress will initially be determined from the student’s academic history at all previously attended institutions. Students who attended NWF State College in the past will be reviewed based on all previously attempted courses, regardless of how long ago they attended NWF State College, in accordance with federal guidelines.

Failure to meet one or more of the established standards of satisfactory progress will make a student ineligible for financial aid. Students who become ineligible for financial aid due to the failure to meet the standards of satisfactory progress for financial aid will remain ineligible for financial aid until they meet the standards or are placed on an Academic Plan as a condition of their approved appeal. Satisfactory progress includes all previous academic history, even if the student did not receive financial aid.

It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his or her progress. Although the Financial Aid office attempts to notify students who fail to meet the satisfactory progress standards via their NWF State College email informing them of their status, students who do not receive the notice will still be ineligible for financial aid.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

Below are the standards of satisfactory progress for financial aid. These standards apply to all students:

All students must complete their degree program before attempting more than 150 % of the total credit hours required for their program.

   A. Students enrolled full-time or part-time in undergraduate programs measured in credit hours – Please note that all post-secondary coursework will be evaluated, including remedial/developmental and transfer credits:

     1. Qualitative Standard, i.e. Grade Point Average (GPA) – a. Students with 0.0 to 11.9 attempted are exempt from the GPA. b. Students with 12.0 to 249.9 attempted credit hours must achieve a 1.50 GPA. c. Students with 25.0 or more attempted credit hours must achieve a 2.00 GPA.

     2. Quantitative Standard, i.e. Completion Rate – Students must achieve an unrounded cumulative completion percentage of at least 67%.

     3. Maximum Timeframe Standard, i.e. Overall Credit Hours Attempted – Students become ineligible when they cannot complete their program within 150% of its published length in credit hours.

   B. Students enrolled full-time or part-time in undergraduate programs measured in clock-hours – Please note that only clock-hour coursework applicable to the specific clock-hour program a student is enrolled in will be evaluated:

     1. Qualitative Standard – Students must achieve a 2.00 cumulative GPA.

     2. Quantitative Standard – Students must achieve an unrounded cumulative completion percentage of at least 67%. This is calculated by dividing completed clock-hours and weeks by scheduled clock-hours and weeks.

     3. Maximum Timeframe Standard – Students become ineligible when they cannot complete their program within 150% of its published length in scheduled clock-hours and/or weeks.

In general, students who have attempted more than 150% of their program will not be eligible to receive financial aid at NWF State College even if some of their credits were attempted at another institution unless their appeal is approved and they are placed on an Academic Plan.


Financial Aid Warning Status

The first semester a student fails to meet the satisfactory progress standards for financial aid, he/she will be placed on Warning Status. While the student will continue to receive financial aid during this period, it is the student’s responsibility to restore his/her academic standing for financial aid be the end of the term in which the Warning Status is given.

Students who exceed the 150% Rule are not eligible for a Financial Aid Warning Status.

Failure to restore academic standing by the end of the Warning Status term will result in the student being ineligible for financial aid. Students can appeal their failure to meet standards of Academic Progress (see next section).

Appealing Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Before submitting an appeal for financial aid, students should meet with an academic advisor and obtain an approved program of study. The program of study may be the basis for the student’s academic plan. The financial aid director will consult with the academic advisor to develop an academic plan for the student who has appealed. This academic plan becomes the core of the approved appeal. Students should file a financial aid appeal as soon as they receive notification of their failure to meet the standards of academic progress, or no later than 30 days after the semester ends. Appeal forms and procedures are available on the Financial Aid web page at

Transfer students must meet the established satisfactory progress requirements or submit a financial aid appeal. Students can appeal their failure to meet the standards of academic progress for financial aid if unusual circumstances exist. Unusual and mitigating circumstances include, but are not limited to, a death in the student’s family, medical condition, hospitalization, documented emotional distress, or other situations beyond the student’s control. While federal regulations make no provision for the concept of academic amnesty or academic renewal, students are allowed to appeal those courses that were considered to be old grades and thus “reset” their academic progress. The option to “reset” is at the discretion of the financial aid committee and can be used one time only.

All situations must be fully documented.

Students’ appeals are reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee. Students do not meet with the committee, and the decision of the committee is final.

Courses Paid for by Financial Aid

Repeated Courses

A student may use financial aid to repeat a course in which a grade of AW, D, IW, F, FA, FN, NG, U, W, WF, WN, X, or XC has been earned. A student may not repeat a course for credit in which a grade of “D” or better was earned. The student may improve a grade in a course and the repeat credit(s) will be included in the total number of credits when determining enrollment status.

Developmental Courses

NWF State College approves developmental courses for the use of financial aid and includes developmental courses where necessary when determining a student’s enrollment status. Admission placement testing requirements will determine if developmental courses are needed in a student’s degree program. Financial aid will pay for no more than 30 credit hours of developmental coursework.

Clock Hour Programs

Clock hour programs (Dental, Welding, Law Enforcement, and Fire Science/EMT) are not paid in semester hours like the other programs offered at NWF State College.  Financial aid pays for the entire program, but not by semesters, and eligible amounts may be subject to proration based upon the length of the program.


Program Objective Enrollment Compliance (POEC)

Federal Financial Aid (Pell Grants, Direct Loans, Supplemental Educational Grants, college work study, etc.) will only cover courses that are part of the student’s declared program.

A student’s eligibility will be adjusted to reflect only those courses that are within the program of study (i.e. full-time status vs. part-time status). POEC is determined by the electronic degree audit - NOT the student’s paper program of study. A student’s declared program must be chosen at the beginning of the semester. Changes in declared programs will not be effective for financial aid until the subsequent semester.

Random Selection for Verification

The U. S. Department of Education randomly selects a student’s Student Aid Report (SAR) for verification. Students selected must provide all the requested documents needed for this process (i.e. income tax transcripts, W-2 forms). NWF State College’s Financial Aid Office retains the right to request supporting documents it deems necessary from any student to determine financial aid eligibility. For this reason, the college suggests that students do not file financial aid applications until the tax forms for the family are complete and correct. Inaccurate estimates of income and taxes paid may require extensive processing delays and verification of corrected data. All financial information reported MUST BE CORRECT. Penalties or delays may occur if the data is incorrect or incomplete. It is strongly recommended that students and parents utilize the IRS retrieval tool when completing the FAFSA.

Return of Title IV Financial Aid Funds

When a student awarded federal Title IV aid withdraws from or ceases attendance in ALL COURSES prior to completing more than 60% of a term, a portion of the student’s Title IV aid must be returned to the federal programs. Title IV aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Direct Loans. Federal Work study aid and FSAG aid are not included. The college must determine the percentage of Title IV aid earned by the student. Up to the 60% point of the term, the percentage of earned aid is equal to the percentage of the term completed based on the day the student withdraws from or ceases attendance in ALL COURSES.  After the 60% point of the term, the percentage of aid earned is 100%. If the student received more Title IV aid than the amount earned, the unearned amount is considered an overpayment and must be returned to the Title IV programs. NWF State College will be responsible for returning to the Title IV programs the lesser of the unearned amount of Title IV aid or the institutional charges (tuition, fees and books) incurred for the term, multiplied by the percentage of unearned aid. The student will be responsible for returning to the Title IV programs the unearned amount of aid (overpayment) minus the amount the college returns, and the amount of any unpaid institutional charges to NWF State College.

In some cases, when a student receives federal Title IV aid greater than the amount of institutional charges (tuition, fees and books), he or she will have to return a portion of the federal funds. A student will lose Title IV eligibility unless he or she returns the amount of unearned aid (overpayment) in full to the college within 45 days from the date the college notifies him/her of the overpayment, or signs a repayment agreement with the U.S. Department of Education after the 45-day period.

This policy is derived from provisions of federal law. Students receiving Title IV aid should consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from any or all classes.

Financial Aid Unofficial Withdrawals

Per federal regulations, schools are required to review students who received federal financial aid and failed to earn a passing grade in any of the classes. An assessment must be made to determine whether the student earned the non-passing grades while attending classes or stopped attending classes, but did not officially withdraw. Students who stopped attending classes may be required to repay a portion of their federal financial aid for that semester which will result in a debt to the college.

If a student follows NWF State College’s procedures and withdraws, the student will have an official withdrawal date and their financial aid refund calculation will be completed according to NWF State College’s refund policy.

At the end of each semester, all federal financial aid recipients who received no passing grades (any combination of F, FA, FN, I, W, WN, WF) will be reviewed to determine if the non-passing grade was earned while attending or due to no longer attending the class. Reports are generated at the end of each semester to determine the students who received no passing grades. This report is used to determine if the student completed the term and earned the “F” grade or ceased attending prior to the end of the semester. Instructors are required to indicate the last day of attendance when a grade of F is entered. The last day of attendance is then used in the calculation of the Return of Title IV Financial Aid Funds.

Veteran’s Affairs Office

All new students are encouraged to visit the VAO at the Niceville campus in the Student Services Center for assistance with starting a record. NWF State College is certified for training by the State Approving Agency under the various veterans’ training laws. Veterans planning to enroll and use their GI Bill should consult with the Veterans Affairs Office (VAO) well in advance of their first semester. All new veteran students should refer to the Application Procedures at the college website on our Veterans Page to establish their VA record with the VAO. VA students are also required to be familiar with the NWF State College Veteran’s Handbook which explains our processes and the rules imposed by U.S. Code Title 38 and Title 10. Our Veteran’s Handbook can also be downloaded from the Veteran’s Page.

Training time for all programs, except Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill, is computed at full time, three quarter time and half time; please refer to your specific chapter payment chart at the GI Bill website.  Chapter 33 does not have a half time rate; it is computed by dividing the student’s credit hours by the full time rate, rounding to the nearest tenth and multiplying by the E-5 with dependent Basic Allowance for Housing rate. Example: 9 credit hours divided by 12 = .75, which the VA rounds up to 80%.  If the BAH rate for zip code 32578 was $1,356 a BAH payment at 80% would be $1,084.80 a month.  Chapter 33 students will also receive a book stipend payment which is calculated at $41.67 per credit hour.  Chapter 33 students who schedule all distance learning classes, (Online, Hybrid, Independent Study, & Video Conferencing), will only receive half the national average in BAH which is $805.50 for a full time schedule.

Full-Time Enrollment Three-Quarter Time Enrollment Half-Time Enrollment
12 or more credit hours 9-11 credit hours 6-8 credit hours
Chapter 33:  Chapter 33:  Chapter 33: 
12 or more = 100% 11 = 90%     9 or 10 = 80% 8 = 70%     7 = 60%   

NWF State College also has clock hour programs that the VA calculates on a weekly basis. To maintain full time status a student must have 22 clock hours per week for Applied Welding Technologies, 18 clock hours per week for Auxiliary Law Enforcement, Corrections Officer, Law Enforcement Basic, Fire Fighter, and Dental Assisting. Chapter 33 students in a clock hour program who are full time will receive $83 a month for book stipend.

Training time for the Summer Term and any accelerated session of any term is computed differently. Veterans are advised to contact the VAO before registering for Summer Term and accelerated term classes to determine training status.

All veterans who wish to receive VA benefits must provide a signed Enrollment Certification Request Drop/Add form each semester, available on our website. VA students must submit a new Enrollment Certification Request Drop/Add form for all schedule changes, to include (drop, withdrawal, never attending, reinstatement or termination of attendance). Note: VA student attendance is reported to the VA and will affect benefit payments. A Chapter 33 student’s tuition is paid directly to the college by the VA. Chapter 35, 30, 1606, and 1607 students are responsible for paying their tuition by the due date; these students, including Chapter 33 students who do not have a Certificate of Eligibility, can use a VA deferment once a school year.

Veterans’ Fee Deferment Policy

Any eligible VA student who wishes to pursue an approved program of study shall be granted upon request, a deferment for full payment of fees for a period determined by the Business Office, once per school year (August through July). Under no circumstances shall any person be allowed to enroll or re-enroll at NWF State College who has an unpaid fee deferment. A student who defaults on a VA deferment will lose the right to receive future deferments.

Financial Aid Administered by Northwest Florida State College

Financial Aid for 2015-2016