Mar 31, 2025  
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

AA Degree

Associate in Arts Degree

The Associate in Arts degree is equivalent to the first two years of a bachelor’s degree program and is offered for those students planning to transfer to a four-year institution or to remain at NWF State College to complete the last two years of a bachelor’s degree program. The AA degree is awarded upon satisfactory completion of 60 credit hours of general education and college credit electives, attainment of the appropriate minimum grade point averages, and completion of all other applicable college graduation requirements, including the Speaking-Across-the-Curriculum  and Technology-Across-the-Curriculum  requirements. Although the number of credits and specific courses required for a bachelor’s degree may vary across upper-division schools, the Florida community colleges and universities enjoy an articulation agreement, which guarantees certain transfer rights for students who complete the AA degree.

A.A. degree students should work closely with an Academic Advisor or faculty advisor to select the appropriate courses to meet their degree goals.

Graduation Requirements for the AA Degree

The A.A. degree curriculum requires the following.

  • Complete a minimum of 60 college credits per the following distribution as outlined in the AA Degree General Education Requirements :
    • Complete 36 credit hours of general education courses distributed appropriately across the Communications, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and General Education Elective categories presented in the AA Degree General Education Requirements  section of the catalog for specific courses.
    • Completion of two sequential credits in high school foreign language, a minimum of 6 credit hours in one foreign language at the college level or an appropriate score on an approved CLEP examination.
    • Complete 24 credit hours of college credit electives. (Students should consult with a counselor or advisor to select the electives most appropriate to their intended baccalaureate program.)
  • Meet the Gordon Rule (FAC Rule 6A-10.030)  minimum grade and writing requirements:
    • Attain a grade of “C” or higher in each Gordon Rule writing course (any general education course from the Communications or Humanities categories, and those designated as Gordon Rule in the Social Science category) whether credits in such courses are earned at NWF State College or elsewhere.
    • Complete the Gordon Rule writing requirement (students who complete 6 credits each from the Communications and Humanities categories and an additional Gordon Rule Social Science course will satisfy this requirement).
    • Attain a grade of “C” or higher in each Gordon Rule Mathematics course (any course from the Mathematics category that is used to meet AA general education requirements), whether credits in such courses are earned at NWF State College or elsewhere.
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 for all college credit course work pursued at NWF State College.
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 for all college credit course work pursued, whether at NWF State College or by transfer.
  • Complete applicable admission requirements for the program. See the Admissions section of the catalog.
  • Complete at least 25% of the course work towards the program at NWFSC.
  • Satisfy all outstanding obligations to the college.
  • Apply to graduate by the published deadline.

Transferring to another Four-Year College or University within the State of Florida:

Faculty members, counselors and advisors will gladly assist students in achieving a smooth transfer to other institutions in Florida. Liaison representatives from the respective public institutions in the state are eager to help. Several of the liaisons make regular visits to campus and will meet directly with students to answer questions. The names of the liaisons and dates of upcoming visits are available in the Advising Center in the Student Services Center on the Niceville Campus. In addition, Common Prerequisite Manuals for the Florida State University System are available on RaiderNet or at

It is desirable that students transferring to a senior institution plan their program so that common prerequisites can be completed for the upper-division transfer school for their major. It is best for the student to complete the entire two-year degree program prior to transfer, as A.A. graduates who transfer to one of the institutions in the Florida State University System (SUS) enjoy certain protections under the statewide articulation agreement. These rights are presented in the “Student Bill of Rights”.

NWF State College offers the necessary prerequisites for most of the State of Florida University Baccalaureate Programs. Students are encouraged to consult a current catalog from the upper-division school where they plan to transfer in addition to meeting with a college advisor or faculty member to acquire an official program plan of study for their intended major.

Special Foreign Language Requirements for Entry into Upper-Level Florida Universities:

Effective August 1, 1990, according to requirements of the Florida Board of Regents, new applicants to any of the state universities must have completed two sequential credits in high school foreign language, a minimum of 6 credit hours in one foreign language at the college level or an appropriate score on an approved CLEP examination. There are two exceptions to this requirement: 1) students who received an A.A. degree prior to September 1, 1989, or 2) students who enrolled in a program leading to an A.A. degree prior to August 1, 1989 and maintained continuous enrollment. Students who are not exempt but fail to satisfy the requirement, may be admitted to the university as part of the 5% admissions exceptions group but will be required to complete eight-ten credit hours in one foreign language as a graduation requirement, regardless of the requirements in the student’s major. Students transferring into the Florida SUS without an A.A. degree or fewer than 60 transferable credits must meet this foreign language requirement before going on to the upper division. NWF State College offers the necessary coursework in French, Spanish, Chinese and American Sign Language (ASL) to meet the Florida SUS admission requirements.

Student Bill of Rights

Florida Community College Associate in Arts (AA) Degree graduates are guaranteed rights under the Statewide Articulation Agreement  (State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024). 

AA Transfer Majors

AA Transfer Majors indicate the required courses needed to be eligible to be admitted to the university program at the institutions listed.  Please see the AA - Associate in Arts General Degree  as well as the AA Degree General Education Requirements  pages for complete AA degree requirements.

The following list indicates the AA transfer majors that can be completed taking courses at NWF State College.  It is not a complete list of all university transfer majors.  The Common Course Prerequisite Manual lists all university transfer programs available in the State of Florida.

Individual course requirements at specific institutions may sometimes differ from the published Common Course Prerequisite Manual.  NWF State College recommends students see an academic advisor as well as contact their transfer institution to confirm program requirements.
