Mar 31, 2025  
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 
2017-2018 Updated Catalog through 11/17/2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Articulation Agreements

What is an Articulation Agreement?

Florida has instituted a variety of methods to facilitate student transfer of credit, otherwise known as articulation agreements.  The Statewide Articulation Manual  provides statewide standards for awarding advanced placement credits, high school dual enrollment credit, transfer of credit between institutions, and related topics.  The Florida Department of Education, through the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC), also facilitates statewide consistency among institutions that award credit for certain professional credentials, such as industry certifications, licenses, and certificates.  In addition to statewide articulation agreements, NWF State College has local articulation agreements with various other institutions, as well as internal agreements for specific NWF State College programs.  

Florida Statewide Articulation Agreement for AA Degree
(State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024)

Florida Community College Associate in Arts (AA) graduates are guaranteed the following rights under the Statewide Articulation Agreement (State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024):

  • Admission to one of the state universities, except to Limited Access* programs.
  • Acceptance of at least 60 credit hours by the state university toward the baccalaureate degree.
  • Adherence to university requirements and policies based on the catalog in effect at the time the student first entered a community college, provided the student maintains continuous enrollment.
  • Transfer of equivalent courses under the Statewide Course Numbering System.
  • Acceptance by the state universities of credit earned in accelerated programs (e.g., CLEP, DANTES, AP, PEP, Dual Enrollment, Early Admission and International Baccalaureate).
  • No additional General Education Core requirements.
  • Advance knowledge of selection criteria for Limited Access* programs.
  • Equal opportunity with native university students to enter Limited Access* programs.

Should any guarantee be denied, students have the right of appeal. Each state university, and state college shall make available established appeal procedures through the respective articulation officers. At NWF State College, students may contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Dean of Students.

* Limited Access is the designation given to programs that require additional admission requirements which are more selective than general admission requirements. These may include the following: increased total GPA and test scores; additional courses and prerequisites; and auditions and portfolios.

NWF State College Certificate to AS Degree Career Paths

Many of the technical certificate programs offered by NWF State College provide the initial step in meeting selected course requirements for an A.S. degree in a related area. Courses from those certificates are the same as or equivalent to comparable courses in the companion degree program. Likewise, courses used in the degree program may be applied to a certificate in a related area; in many cases, completion of the technical courses in the degree program can automatically qualify the student to receive the companion certificate.

A list of all AS degrees and corresponding articulated certificates is shown on the Certificate to AS Degree Career Paths  page.  

For a side by side view of the AS degrees and corresponding certificates see the AS Degree - Companion Certificates 2017-18  [.pdf] 

Local NWF State College Agreements With Other Institutions

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and NWF State College

Florida A&M University and NWF State College

Florida State University - Panama City and NWF State College


NWF2UWF Articulation Agreement  

The NWF2UWF Program offers collaborative academic advising from UWF Transfer Advisors and an on-site NWF2UWF Program Coordinator located on the NWF State College’s Niceville campus. Students will also receive access to UWF services and benefits before they enroll. Students who complete an associate of arts degree at NWF State College are guaranteed admissions at UWF, contingent upon meeting the minimum transfer requirements.

  • Admission to UWF with no application fee
  • Convenient transfer of academic records and courses from NWF State College
  • Affordable bachelor’s degree from an accredited and respected public university
  • Options to complete a bachelor’s degree at one of three University of West Florida’s locations:
    • Main Campus - Pensacola
    • Emerald Coast - Ft. Walton Beach, Eglin and Hurlburt Field Air Force Base
    • Online Campus
  • Faculty and staff committed to academic success
  • Flexible class schedules to meet busy lifestyles
  • Experienced academic advisors to assist in satisfying degree requirements
  • Library privileges at both institutions
  • UWF email account
  • UWF ID card

To participate in a 2UWF Program a student must:

  • Meet current admission criteria at a state college partner.
  • Have earned fewer than 45 credit hours.
  • Complete an associate of arts degree with a minimum overall combined 2.0 GPA as computed by UWF. (Individual departmental requirements may be higher)
  • Be in compliance with the code of conduct at a state college and is in good academic standing.
  • Not attend another institution between the time you graduate from your current state college and enroll at UWF.
  • Formally enroll in UWF within one year of having completed an associate of arts degree.
  • Not have previously graduated from a state college partner.

University of West Florida and NWF State College

  • NWF State College Bachelor of Applied Science in Project Management - Acquisitions (BAS) and UWF Master of Science Degree in Administration – Acquisition and Contract Administration Articulation Agreement   
  • NWF State College Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) Degree and UWF Master’s Degree in Exceptional Student Education or Master of Education Degree - Curriculum and Instruction Articulation Agreement   

Local NWF State College Internal Articulation Agreements​

Internal Articulation Agreements  

Public Safety

 Law Enforcement and/or Correctional Officer (PSAV) certificates to the Criminal Justice Technology (AS)  degree

  • Firefighter (PSAV) certificates to the Emergency Administration & Management (AS)  degree
  • Florida State Fire Marshall Firefighter I Certification to NWF State College course FFP 0010
  • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-Basic) (CCC) and/or Paramedic (EMT-P) (CCC) certificates to the Emergency Medical Services (AS)  degree
  • American Council on Education Special Forces Advanced Tactical Practitioner/18 Delta to the Paramedic (CCC)  certificate  ​

Health Sciences

Early Childhood Education

  •  Child Development AS Degree to requirements for the Early Childhood Education, Birth through Four BS degree

Statewide Articulation Agreements

The State Board of Education approved the Statewide Career and Technical Education Articulation Agreements which are based on industry certification.  This supports the Department’s Next Generation Areas of Focus effort Number 3 —”to expand opportunities for postsecondary degrees and certificates.” These agreements are intended to be a minimum guarantee of articulated credit and do not preclude institutions from granting additional credit based on local agreements. Individual agreements are listed below.

Statewide Articulation Agreements

AS to Baccalaureate Degree Articulation Agreements

In Florida, A.S. degree curricula regularly include technical skills and theoretical knowledge, as well as, a required general education component that are designed to prepare an individual either for entry into the workforce or transfer into a related baccalaureate program.  It is this combination of theory and practice that distinguishes the A.S. degree from the A.A. degree, with its traditional focus on the liberal arts and sciences.  This valuable combination of knowledge and skills need not disqualify A.S. degree courses from transferability.  Indeed, the competencies taught in the lower division at two-year colleges often duplicate competencies taught at universities in the upper division (in nursing, for example, or in certain information technology fields).  The learning outcomes embedded in the A.S. degree programs often embody similar technical knowledge and skill sets.  A complete list of articulated programs and hours can be viewed in the Florida Department of Education Career Ladder Agreements document.

Industry Certification to Associate in Applied Science (AAS) / Associate in Science (AS) Articulation Agreements

There are several acceleration methods associated with Industry Certification.  These acceleration opportunities allow students who are progressing to the next level of education to earn a guaranteed number of college credits toward the AAS or AS degree. Each acceleration opportunity requires the student to demonstrate mastery of a specified level of competency. One example of this method is the Gold Standard Articulation Agreement, which includes identified industry certifications. As new agreements are developed they are added to the articulation list.

The Gold Standard Career pathways Articulation Agreements of Industry Certification provides information on the identified industry certifications approved by the Florida State Board of Education.  Contact Ms. La’Terica Clark, Coordinator of Career and Technical Education at (850) 729-4956 for specific industry certification articulation options at NWF State College.

ATD to AAS/AS Articulation Agreements

The Applied Technology Diploma (ATD) consists of a course of study that is part of an associate in science (AS) or an associate in applied science degree (AAS), is less than sixty (60) credit hours, is approximately fifty (50) percent of the technical component (non-general education), and leads to employment in a specific occupation. An applied technology diploma program may consist of either clock hour credit or college credit. The transfer of the applied technology diploma to an associate degree is guaranteed for a period of three (3) years following the date of the award of the applied technology diploma.  For a listing of specific statewide ATD to AAS/AS articulation agreements approved by the ACC, see: ATD to AAS/AS Articulation Agreements.

High School Career Pathways Programs

To determine competency alignment between secondary and postsecondary programs/courses, Florida Department of Education staff review the secondary curriculum frameworks, textbooks, additional materials and equipment used, and the knowledge and skills sets students acquire in the secondary program. From this information, college administration and faculty determine to which courses and/or programs, if any, the secondary programs can be articulated, and identify what courses a student (having successfully completed a Career Pathways program) may receive upon high school graduation and college enrollment. At NWF State College, students may earn credits through the Jump Start  program based upon high school coursework completed at a school in Okaloosa or Walton County.

Transfer Agreement with Independent Colleges and Universities in Florida

The Florida College System has a transfer agreement with many of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF). This allows AA degree graduates to transfer into a private college or university with the guarantee that a student will enter as a junior, receive at least 60 credit hours toward the bachelor’s degree, and receive recognition for the general education core that was completed at an institution within the Florida College System. Most of the 31 ICUF institutions have recognized this agreement.  To view a copy of the ICUF articulation agreement with the Florida College System, see: Independent Colleges and Universities Articulation Agreement.

Other Statewide Agreements

The Florida College System also has established articulation agreements with private colleges and other universities. To view specific agreements, see: