Jan 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Updated Catalog Updated Through 11/19/2019 
2019-2020 Updated Catalog Updated Through 11/19/2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Complaints and Grievances

Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures


An informal complaint or formal grievance is a dispute against any employee or department of the College who has:

  1. Violated a written College policy or procedure
  2. Not properly followed the College’s published policies, regulations, rules, or procedures.

Informal Resolution of Complaints

A student who has a complaint against an employee or department of the College should attempt to resolve the matter informally. Outlined below are the procedures for informally resolving a complaint. The Director of Student Development and Campus Engagement may act as the Student Ombudsman and assist in the resolution of informal complaints. Deans and Vice Presidents cannot be involved in resolution of informal complaints.

  • Academic (informal)
  1. Academic complaints are any dispute (meeting the definition above) with an instructor or department related to in-class activity.
  2. As part of the informal process, students must first attempt to resolve the dispute directly with the instructor.
  • Non-Academic (informal)
  1. Non-academic complaints are any dispute (meeting the definition above) with a college employee or department related to non-class activity.
  2. As part of the informal process, students must first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the employee.


Formal Grievances

Limit of Scope

A formal grievance cannot be used:

  1. As a resolution of matters student-to-student.
  2. To challenge the legitimacy of existing policies, regulations, rules, or procedures.
  3. Against any non-employee of the College.

Formal Resolution of Grievances (Step 1)

A student who has a formal grievance against an employee or department of the College who has attempted to satisfactorily resolve the matter informally (as outlined above) may file a formal grievance. Outlined below are the procedures for resolving a formal grievance.

  1. The student will submit their Step I Grievance through an electronic form available on the website.
  2. The student must explain, within 30 days of the last contact with the individual in the informal complaint, the circumstances pertaining to the situation.
  3. The student must identify the policies that have been violated or not properly followed.
  4. The student must identify what action would be a satisfactory resolution to the situation.

Formal grievance Investigation Procedure (Step 1)



The instructor’s Program Director or Program Chair (hereafter “the administrator”) will investigate.

The employee’s Director or Executive Director (hereafter “the administrator”) will investigate.

  • The administrator may, for safety reasons, issue temporary sanctions or accommodations, as appropriate, during the investigation.
  • The administrator will meet with the appropriate parties to collect the facts of incident.
  • Once all known facts of the incident have been collected, the administrator will consider the details and render a decision. All decisions will be based on a “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard.
  • The administrator will notify the individual(s) of the decision. If the individual is found “responsible” for the incident sanctions will be applied.
  • A response with a decision to the student through email within 10 business days of submission.


Formal Resolution of Grievances (Step 2)

  • A Step 2 Grievance must be filed within 10 calendar days of the issuance of the Step 1 finding. 
  • The student will submit their Step 2 Grievance through an electronic form available on the website.
  • During the appeal process the sanctions issued in Step 1 will stand.
  • A Step 2 Grievance may be filed if the individual filing the Grievance believes there was an error or omission of fact or law considered by the administrator in Step 1.
  • The individual filing the Grievance must identify the following points in their submission:
    • Why the out outcome issued by the administrator is factually flawed or contrary to federal law, state law or college policy or practice.
    • Desired outcome of the Grievance.

Formal grievance Investigation Procedure (Step 2)



The Program Director or Program Chair’s Dean (hereafter “the administrator”) will investigate.

A Director or Executive Director not supervising the involved parties (hereafter “the administrator”) will investigate.

  • The administrator will review all materials collected in the Step 1 Grievance.
  • The administrator will make a determination as to whether the outcome issued by the administrator in Step 1 was factually flawed or contrary to federal law, state law or college policy or practice.
  • The administrator may convene a panel to assist with the investigation of the Grievance (as needed).
  • The administrator may call on the individual filing the Grievance, witnesses, or any other appropriate party to resolve the Grievance.
  • A response with a decision to the student through email within 10 business days of submission.
    • If additional information is requested by the administrator and not received within 10 business days, the finding of the Step 1 Grievance will be upheld.
    • If the administrator determines the Step 1 Grievance findings were incorrect, all sanctions will be reversed and the student’s written, desired outcome will be met.


Formal Resolution of Grievances (Step 3)

  • A Step 3 Grievance must be filed within 10 calendar days of the issuance of the Step 2 finding. 
  • The student will submit their Step 2 Grievance through an electronic form available on the website.
  • During the appeal process the sanctions issued in Step 1 will stand.
  • A Step 3 Grievance may be filed if the individual filing the Grievance believes there was an error or omission of fact or law considered by the administrator in Step 1.
  • The individual filing the Grievance must identify the following points in their submission:
  • Why the out outcome issued by the administrator is factually flawed or contrary to federal law, state law or college policy or practice.
  • Desired outcome of the Grievance.

Formal grievance Investigation Procedure (Step 3)



The Vice President, Academic Affairs will be the sole arbiter.

The Vice President, Student Success will be the sole arbiter.

  • The Vice President will review all materials collected in the Step 1 and Step 2 Grievances.
  • The Vice President will make a determination as to whether the outcome issued by the administrator in Step 2 was factually flawed or contrary to federal law, state law or college policy or practice.
  • The Vice President may convene a panel to assist with the investigation of the Grievance (as needed).
  • The Vice President may call on the individual filing the Grievance, witnesses, or any other appropriate party to resolve the Grievance.
  • A response with a decision to the student through email within 10 business days of submission.
    • If additional information is requested by the administrator and not received within 10 business days, the finding of the Step 2 Grievance will be upheld.
    • If the Vice President determines the Step 2 Grievance findings were incorrect, all sanctions will be reversed and the student’s written, desired outcome will be met.
  • The Step 3 Grievance is the final step in the college’s Grievance process.