Sep 19, 2024  
2019-2020 Updated Catalog Updated Through 11/19/2019 
2019-2020 Updated Catalog Updated Through 11/19/2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Registration is the process of selecting and enrolling in NWF State College courses. Registration is required before a student can attend classes. For information regarding important registration dates, visit the online Academic Calendar.

While most students may register online through RaiderNet, some programs may restrict online registration. For additional information regarding the registration process, please contact a Student Success Navigator at (850) 648-5111 or

Enrollment Status

Student Type Full Time Three-Quarter Time Half Time Less than Half Time
College Credit, Career and Technical, Developmental 12 or more credit hours 9 credit hours 6 credit hours less than 6 credit hours

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the number of semester hours they have earned.


Freshman A student who has 29 or fewer hours
Sophomore A student who has 30 hours to 60 hours


Junior A student who has 61 to 90 hours
Senior A student who has 91 or more

Academic Load

A student may enroll in a maximum of eighteen (18) credit hours each semester. Students seeking to enroll in more than eighteen (18) developmental, career and technical, and/or college credits in a single semester must receive prior approval from a Student Success Navigator. Appointments with a Student Success Navigator can be made by contacting (850) 648-5111 or

Audit Status

Auditing a course permits a student to enroll in a college-credit course on a “not-for-credit” basis. Students auditing a class are not required to complete examinations but are expected to attend classes and participate in other activities and requirements on the same basis as students seeking credit. For students who enroll with an Audit Status prior to the end of the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period, upon completion of the course, an “X” grade will be awarded but will not impact the student’s GPA nor count as an attempt toward Full Cost of Instruction and Repeat rules. After the close of the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period, students may only change from credit status to audit status (or from audit status to credit status) with the written approval of both the instructor of the course and the Vice President of Teaching & Learning. If the student receives approval to change from credit status to audit status after the Drop/Add period, an “XC” grade will be awarded that does not impact the student’s GPA but does count as an attempt toward Full Cost of Instruction and Repeat rules. Some occupational courses may not be available on an audit basis. Students wishing to audit an occupational course must obtain permission in advance from the appropriate department chair/division director. Audit enrollment in studio art classes is permitted on a space-available basis only. Students may audit a class no more than four (4) times.

Schedule Changes during the Schedule Adjustment Period

Changes in course registration may be made during the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period specified in the online Academic Calendar. Students can make changes to his or her schedule during the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period through the student portal - RaiderNet. However, depending on within which specific part-of-term the change is being made, the system may prevent a student from dropping his or her last class online. If this occurs, a student should contact a Student Success Navigator at (850) 648-5111 or to ensure the student is manually dropped from the course prior to the deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his or schedule is correct prior to the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) deadline. If a student drops any course during the Schedule Adjustment Period, no record of that course enrollment will appear on the student’s transcript nor will the enrollment count as an attempt toward Full Cost of Instruction or Repeat rules.

Withdrawing From Courses

Students are expected to complete all courses for which they are enrolled at the end of the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period. Course withdrawal may negatively impact a student both academically and financially. Prior to withdrawing, a student should speak with his or her instructor and a Student Success Navigator to determine if a course withdrawal is in the best interest of the student. Students are permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course in college credit, career and technical, or developmental courses. Pursuant to Rule 6A-14.0301 of Florida Administrative Code, upon the third (and any approved subsequent attempt), the student is not permitted to withdraw from that course. If the student does withdraw from a third (and any approved subsequent attempt), the “W” grade received in that course, will convert to a final grade of “F” at the end of the semester.

A student-initiated withdrawal may be processed at any point after the Schedule Adjustment Period up until the Withdraw Deadline published in the online Academic Calendar. Prior to the deadline, withdrawals can be completed by the student in RaiderNet or by submitting a written request to the Office of Academic Records and Enrollment. If the student has not exceeded the approved number of withdrawals, the student will receive a grade of “W” on his or official College transcript.

Enrollment Action Time Frame Grade on Transcript Refund
Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period Add or Drop a Class Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period as it is posted on the Academic Calendar No Record Recorded Full Refund
Withdraw Drop one or more classes After the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period ends and prior to the Withdrawal Deadline posted on the Academic Calendar W Grade No Refund
Complete Withdrawal from the College Drop all classes
May be requested after the Schedule Adjustment (Drop/Add) Period ends and prior to the Withdrawal Deadline posted on the Academic Calendar using the Complete Withdrawal from Semester Form. W Grade No Refund
Withdraw  after the published deadline Drop one or more classes after the Withdrawal Deadline May be requested after the Withdrawal deadline has passed using the Request for Exception: Records Appeal Form but does require proof of mitigating circumstances and approval by the Executive Director of Academic Records & Enrollment W Grade No Refund
Administrative Withdrawal Drop one or more classes by College Administration May be approved by College Administration at any time for mitigating circumstances W Grade No Refund

Complete Withdrawal from the Semester

A currently enrolled student may completely withdraw from all of their classes up to the withdrawal deadline published in the online Academic Calendar and, thus, will no longer be considered a current student. The transcript will reflect a grade of a “W” for all currently enrolled classes. The student must first consult with a Student Success Navigator before initiating this process. Financial Aid recipients and student-athletes must check with their appropriate representative(s) to determine any financial or eligibility ramifications for withdrawing. After consultation with a Student Success Navigator and any appropriate representatives as listed previously, a student will need to submit the electronic Complete Withdrawal From Term request located within RaiderNet.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students may be administratively withdrawn from the College for reasons such as violation of college policies, procedures, student code of conduct, or for other mitigating circumstances. The Vice-President of Teaching & Learning or the Vice-President of Student Success can administratively withdraw a student at any time.