Feb 08, 2025
DES 0400B - Dental Anatomy 60 Clock Hours (Offered as needed)
This course provides a detailed study of the orofacial and related structures of the head and neck including, but not limited to the eruption, identification and function of the human dentition, study of bony, circulatory, muscular and nervous systems of the head, neck and surrounding structures associated with the oral cavity. A brief introduction to oral histology and embryology will be included.
*Vocational courses are not applicable to the A.A. or A.S. degree or to the College Credit Certificate without an approved articulation agreement. Vocational courses, offered in clock hours, are courses that can be used for the awarding of Career and Technical or Vocational Certificates. In addition, vocational courses may be articulated to college credit and applied to college credit certificates or A.S. degree programs. Students should work closely with an advisor to plan their studies in a way to take advantage of this opportunity.
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