Jul 26, 2024  
2013-2014 Updated Catalog through 2/12/14 
2013-2014 Updated Catalog through 2/12/14 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life


NWFSC is an active member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and the Florida College System Activities Association (FCSAA) which is composed of all public community and state colleges in Florida.

Intercollegiate Sports operate under the rules and regulations of NJCAA and FCSAA. Varsity athletes enjoy the privilege, honor, and social distinction of representing the college in the field of athletic competition. Representation of the college is open by competitive selection to all students provided they meet the eligibility requirements of the FCSAA. Intercollegiate sports include basketball for men and women, baseball for men, and fast-pitch softball for women.

Intramural Activities may be offered based on student interest. These include team sports such as flag football, volleyball, softball, tennis, and basketball, as well as individual and recreational sports such as tennis, racquetball, and backgammon. Classes, clubs, organizations and independent groups are encouraged to form teams and compete.

Times, schedules, and places of meeting for activities are posted on the bulletin boards located in the Activities Center and throughout the Niceville Campus.

Student Organizations

NWFSC has chartered several student organizations. These include general and special interest groups, honor societies, service clubs and social groups. These organizations cover a wide variety of interests and activities. Membership is open to all students who qualify, without regard to age, color, creed, handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion or sex, except for those particular groups which are selective on the basis of scholarship. For more details on any of the organizations below, please call the Student Life Office at (850) 729-5348 or visit www.nwfsc.edu/sa.

Student Government Association (SGA) is elected by the students as their representative voice at the college. SGA sponsors picnics, entertainment, organizes food drives, and sponsors blood drives in the fall and spring. SGA is also involved on a state level with other SGA’s, attending state conferences and lobbying our state legislators for changes beneficial to all students. SGA meetings are open to all NWFSC students.

The President of SGA is a member of the Administrators, Supervisors and Professionals Council (ASP) and represents the student body. The SGA president receives a yearly tuition scholarship. The SGA Senate and President are housed in the Activities Center.

Student Activities Board (SAB) provides coordination among all of student clubs and organizations. The executive board consists of a member from each of the school sanctioned organizations: Brain Bowl, Forensics, Phi Theta Kappa, and SGA. The SAB makes budgeting decisions regarding student activity funding. The vice president of SGA is the presiding officer and receives a tuition scholarship.

The names of recognized student organizations are owned by NWFSC. Students or others shall not organize independent groups of the same name nor function as a group independent of the college utilizing the name of a NWFSC student organization.

The following groups are a few of the recognized student organizations. : For a current list, please visit www.nwfsc.edu/sa or stop by the Student Life Office in the Activities Center:

The African-American Student Association is dedicated to the development of African American students by creating an environment that is positive and conducive to enhance the leadership skills of its members. Members of AASA typically meet twice a month at a date and time that is convenient to the majority. The group plans different activities such as Open Mic Night, fundraising activities, and socials.

The Asian Pop-Culture Club is a social organization dedicated to all who love anime, manga, video games, Asian fashion, food, and music. All students are welcome whether having a long time interest or just curiosity about the subject.

The Brain Bowl Team is the college’s academic team, which participates in 4 to 6 tournaments annually. The areas of concentration for competition are mathematics, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. There are eight full scholarships available
for Brain Bowl students.

Christian Campus Fellowship is designed to meet several needs on campus. First, we want to provide Christian fellowship to students on campus. Second, we encourage each individual in their personal growth as a Christian. Third, we provide ways for students to develop their God-given talents and abilities. Our meetings currently include two Bible studies, a songwriters group, and a small newspaper.

Circle K International (CKI) is an international collegiate service organization that is a sponsored leadership program of Kiwanis International. CKI promotes service, leadership, and fellowship with over 13,250 members.

Dance Ensemble is open by audition to those students whose dance training has prepared them to meet the demands of stage performance. Students have the opportunity to study with guest artists in master classes, workshops and residency programs. Performance opportunities such as the Northwest Florida Symphony, 5th Grade Concerts, Dance Facets, The Soundsations and Summer Musical Theater, enable the dancers to influence, study and evaluate their work and the work of others.

The Early Childhood Student Association promotes professional growth in early childhood education, provides the opportunity for service projects, and provides the atmosphere for members to practice advocacy for children and their families.

The NWFSC Film Club is composed of a group of both students and the public who meet to watch films and discuss them. This club incorporates commercial, independent, and foreign films.

The Forensics Team (Speech & Debate) is divided into three major areas: speech, debate, and dramatic interpretation. Each area is broken down to various categories: persuasive and extemporaneous speech, Parliamentary debate, poetry interpretation, and many more. There are eight full scholarships available for Forensics students!

Influencing Art is a club for students who enjoy creating any kind of art to meet periodically and share their artwork that has been influenced by anything read that month.

Jazz Combo is a small ensemble open to any student instrumentalist who wants to develop performance and improvisational skills in the jazz idiom. All students enrolled will be auditioned for placement. The ensemble performs throughout the community during the year.

Jazz Singers, an auditioned, four-part mixed vocal performing ensemble limited to 16-20 members with good music-reading skills. Music studied consists of moderate to very difficult jazz arrangements of styles including blues, swing, skat, classic (early) pop, ballads, mellow gospel and original contemporary tunes.

Madrigals is a small, by audition-only, mixed choir. The group specializes in combined acappella music from the Renaissance to the modern.

Music Theatre produces at least one Broadway-style musical annually. Participation is open by audition to all students and members of the community.

Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale is open by audition to students, staff, and members of the community. The chorus performs major choral compositions during the Fall and Spring Terms of each year and maintains a membership of sixty or more auditioned singers.

Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra at Northwest Florida State College is a professional orchestra operated by the college that is open by audition to musicians who have a demonstrable performance skill with an orchestral instrument. The orchestra draws its membership of more than sixty professional musicians from throughout the Panhandle and South Alabama.

Phi Theta Kappa is the national honor society for two-year colleges. Membership into NWFSC’s Sigma Mu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is by invitation only. It is extended to those students currently enrolled at NWFSC who have completed a minimum of twelve credit hours at our college and have maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in all college courses.

The Pre-Professional Educators’ Club was established in the fall of 2009 to enhance the Teacher Education Program. Meetings provide the opportunity to hear guest speakers from various fields in the education community, for networking in the profession, and for fellowship that will last a lifetime.

The PRIME Time Computer Club provides an opportunity for learning, sharing and enjoying computer knowledge. Membership is open to individuals who have taken at least one PRIME Time (Positive Retirement through Imaginative Education) computer course.

Proscenium Playhouse is the drama group of the Fine and Performing Arts Department. Its goals are to foster an interest in and an appreciation of the theater arts, to produce plays, and to provide an outlet for the creative abilities of the students and community members. Contact (850) 729-5382 for more information.

Radiography Club promotes student awareness involving radiology programs. They also promote and encourage participation in activities related to health issues.

Rock and Jazz Ensemble in big band, combo and rock groups is open by audition to any student instrumentalist who wants to develop professional performance abilities. Students must have some experience in high school bands, etc.

Schools-4-Schools is a volunteer club focused on fund raising. All proceeds go directly to the Invisible Children program. This program is directly involved in improving the education and living conditions in Northern Uganda and surrounding countries.

Show Choir is a small, by audition only mixed choir, comprised of college students who are enrolled full-time. The group specializes in up-tempo, contemporary, entertainment oriented music ranging from jazz tunes of the 40’s to the latest pop tunes, as well as show-stopping selections from Broadway and Hollywood. Choreography is incorporated into each performance.

Student Ambassadors serve as the official hosts & hostesses of NWFSC. They are well spoken, enthusiastic student leaders who represent the college at special events, campus visits and tours, alumni and foundation activities, commencement, and similar recruitment opportunities. The NWFSC Student Ambassador is a position of high esteem and an opportunity for students to have pride and ownership of their higher learning institution while building leadership skills and qualities.

Student Nurse Association is a chapter of The National Student Nurses Association. The chapter members are involved in the process of developing leadership within the students in the nursing program. The chapter is involved in many different fund raising activities to support charitable organizations such as local nursing scholarships, the American Heart Association, and The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The chapter is dedicated to increasing the educational opportunities available to the student nurse.

The Young Americans for Liberty is an organization dedicated to informing people about the libertarian view when it comes to politics. We believe that many people are libertarian-leaning, but are not aware of the libertarian viewpoint. It will maintain contact with the Libertarian party of Okaloosa County in order for the two groups to benefit from each other.

Students are encouraged to participate in student activities and enjoy them as long as they do not interfere with their studies.

Student Organization Rules

Students enrolled at the college are free to organize and are encouraged to join associations which promote their common interests, so long as the following apply.

  • The purposes, principles, and policies of the organization are consistent with the general philosophies and principles of the college.
  • Membership in the organization is open to all currently enrolled college students in good standing without regard to age, color, creed, national origin, handicap, marital status, race, religion, or sex except for those particular groups which are selective on the basis of scholarship.
  • The purpose, criteria for membership, rules or procedures, and a current list of officers are filed with the Coordinator of Student Life.
  • The policies and actions of the organization are determined only by those individuals who hold bona fide membership in the organization.
  • A faculty sponsor has been appointed by proper authority.
  • The Student Senate has recommended and the Dean of Students of the college has approved recognition of the organization.
  • The organization is in compliance with the general and specific policies enumerated in the Handbook for Student Organizations.

Student Organization Activities

The freedoms of speech and assembly guaranteed by the first and fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution shall be enjoyed by the students of the college with regard to the opportunity to hear “off-campus” speakers and/or schedule activities on the college campus. Students at the college are expected to accept fully the responsibilities that accompany the freedoms of speech and assembly which they enjoy. When inviting a guest speaker or scheduling an activity, a student organization is charged with the responsibility of making a choice that reflects the students’ genuine concern for the best interests and welfare - not only of the student organization - but of the college and the community as well.

The process for extending invitations to guest speakers who are not of the college community or scheduling a student organization activity shall be governed as follows:

  • Activities or guest speakers may be invited or scheduled only by recognized student organizations.
  • No activity shall be scheduled or invitation extended to a guest speaker without prior written approval. Approval or disapproval will be based on consideration of the appropriateness and availability of times, dates, and facilities. NWFSC reserves the right to determine the time, place, and manner of the presentation.
  • Approval to schedule an activity/event or invite a guest speaker shall be requested at least two weeks prior to proposed speaking engagement/event by the president of the student organization scheduling the program. This request shall contain the name of the student organization, the proposed time, date and location of the program, the expected size and nature of the anticipated audience, and the topic of the speech or activity. The president of the student organization shall complete a Student Activity Events Proposal form which will be routed for review and approval to the Coordinator of Student Life, with final approval by the Dean of Students.