Sep 26, 2024  
2015-2016 Updated Catalog 
2015-2016 Updated Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses by Type (Subject Area)


Physical Education

  • PEL 1219 - Advanced Baseball II

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a continuation of Advanced Baseball, which consists of instruction, practice, and participation in advanced baseball. The continuous development of physical skills is of major importance in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): PEL 1217A  (Athletes)

1 Credit Hour
  • PEL 1624M - Advanced Basketball (Men)

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a high intensity, drill-oriented program designed to increase the knowledge, skill ability, and endurance levels of individuals interested in basketball. Instruction includes various aspects of the game of basketball including rules and regulations, basic fundamentals, offensive set, defensive sets, and scouting procedures. Instruction will be given through classroom lectures, as well as on-the-court lectures and activities. It is strongly recommended that students participate in an exercise program outside of class hours. It may be recommended and in some cases required that the student obtain medical approval before participating in this course.

1 Credit Hour
  • PEL 1624W - Advanced Basketball (Women)

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a high intensity, drill oriented program designed to increase the knowledge, skill ability, and endurance levels of individuals interested in basketball. Instruction includes various aspects of the game of basketball including: rules and regulations, basic fundamentals, offensive set, defensive sets, and scouting procedures. Instruction will be given through classroom lectures, as well as on-the-court lectures and activities. It is strongly recommended that students participate in an exercise program outside of class hours. It may be recommended and in some cases required that the student obtain medical approval before participating in this course.

1 Credit Hour
  • PEL 1626M - Advanced Basketball II (Men)

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a continuation of Advanced Basketball for Men, which consists of a high intensity, drill -oriented program designed to increase the knowledge, skill ability, and endurance levels of individuals interested in basketball. Instruction includes various aspects of the game of basketball including rules and regulations, basic fundamentals, offensive set, defensive sets, and scouting procedures. Instruction will be given through classroom lectures, as well as on-the-court lectures and activities. It is strongly recommended that students participate in an exercise program outside of class hours. It may be recommended and in some cases required that the student obtain medical approval before participating in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): PEL 1624M  (Athletes)

1 Credit Hour
  • PEL 1626W - Advanced Basketball II (Women)

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a continuation of Advanced Basketball for Women, which consists of a high intensity, drill -oriented program designed to increase the knowledge, skill ability, and endurance levels of individuals interested in basketball. Instruction includes various aspects of the game of basketball including rules and regulations, basic fundamentals, offensive set, defensive sets, and scouting procedures. Instruction will be given through classroom lectures, as well as on-the-court lectures and activities. It is strongly recommended that students participate in an exercise program outside of class hours. It may be recommended and in some cases required that the student obtain medical approval before participating in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): PEL 1624W  (Athletes)

1 Credit Hour
  • PEM 1131A - Strength Training

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is a high intensity lecture/demonstration and flexible lab hour weight training program designed to increase the size, strength, and endurance of the skeletal muscle system. Instruction includes, but is not limited to, weight training safety, etiquette, history, and nutrition. Instruction will be given in the design of progressive resistance programs to increase total body efficiency and to meet the objectives of the individual student. Students are responsible for determining fitness for training, and those with medical problems which restrict personal activities are encouraged to obtain medical clearance before enrolling in the course.

3 Credit Hours
  • PEM 2108 - Fitness Lab

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    Instruction and participation in an exercise program with emphasis on muscle endurance, strength and flexibility.

    Prerequisite(s): HLP 1081  or approved wellness assessment by the department chair.

    This course may be taken up to four times for credit.
1 Credit Hour
  • PET 1000 - Introduction to Physical Education

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    A study of the history of physical education and sport with particular emphasis placed on present practices and trends.

3 Credit Hours
  • PET 2622 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Designed to provide students with a basic knowledge of the care, prevention, and rehabilitation of injuries received during participation in physical education activities to include the effects and dangers of drug use including performance enhancing drugs.

3 Credit Hours

Physical Science

  • AST 1005 - Introduction to Astrobiology

    4 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course will explore the scientific evidence for the possibility, probability, and potential nature of life that might exist beyond the Earth. Contemporary discoveries about current and past conditions suitable for the origin of life on Mars and some of the moons orbiting other planets in our own solar system are reviewed in the context of what we understand about life on Earth. The question of life in other solar systems is also covered. Space travel and problems regarding intelligent extra-terrestrial beings visiting the Earth and intelligent life beyond the Earth but still within our own solar system are also discussed. All this is done in a fashion which integrates the various branches of science required to understand life beyond the Earth: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Physics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it may be taught in a team fashion by faculty members from various scientific disciplines.

4 Credit Hours
  • ISC 1003 - Natural Disasters – Causes, Consequences, Human Response

    4 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This interdisciplinary course investigates natural catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes and floods. This class will use an environmental studies approach to examine how modern society exacerbates the damage caused by these natural phenomena and methods to mitigate human suffering. The student will gain an appreciation of humankind’s relationship to the natural environment.

4 Credit Hours
  • ISC 4145 - Environmental Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Environmental Systems will expose students to a broad overview of the structure and processes occurring on Earth. Students will gain a broad understanding of the interactions between the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. Course topics will be related to current environmental issues and our local ecosystems. This course is focused on Earth System Science content with development of methods specific to teaching middle school science as a secondary objective.

    Prerequisite(s): (1) any two-course laboratory sequence in the natural sciences (i.e., Principles of Biology I & II, Principles of Geology I & II, College Chemistry I & II, Physics I & II, College Physics I & II, Anatomy & Physiology I & II); (2) any GLY course; (3) and either CHM1020 (Chemical Science) or PHY1020 (Physical Science).

3 Credit Hours
  • PHY 1020 - Physical Science

    4 Credit Hours ♦
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A one term course of lectures and demonstrations designed 1) to meet the general education requirements in physical science for non-science majors and 2) for students who need a preparatory course prior to taking physics. The course presents the fundamental classical and modern concepts of physics in the area of mechanics, energy, wave motion, electromagnetism, and atomic structure. Also topics in earth science and astronomy will be discussed.

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements.
4 Credit Hours ♦
  • PHY 1020L - Physical Science Laboratory

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    A science laboratory course designed to supplement principles covered in Physical Science. Specifically experiments in motion, forces, light, electricity, thermodynamics, astronomy, earth science and meteorology. It is recommended that the student have previously taken PHY 1020  or be currently enrolled in PHY 1020 .

1 Credit Hour
  • PSC 2905 - Independent Study – Physical Science

    1 Credit Hour
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Directed study and individual projects designed to meet the needs of students interested in a specialized area of the physical sciences for which present course availability is limited. Meets specific general education requirements.

    This course may be taken up to four times for credit.
1 Credit Hour


  • PHY 1053C - Physics I

    4 Credit Hours ♦
    (Offered as needed)

    The first half of a two term sequence of non-calculus physics designed for the nonphysical science major. Physics I covers the areas of mechanics, mechanical energy, temperature and heat. The entering student is assumed to have a working knowledge of basic algebra and trigonometric functions.

    Prerequisite(s): MAC 1114 .

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements.
4 Credit Hours ♦
  • PHY 1054C - Physics II

    4 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    The second half of a two term sequence of noncalculus physics designed for the nonphysical science major. Physics II covers the areas of electricity, magnetism, light, quantum theory, atomic and nuclear structure, and elementary nuclear processes.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 1053C  or equivalent.

4 Credit Hours
  • PHY 2048C - College Physics I

    4 Credit Hours ♦
    (Offered as needed)

    The first of a two-course sequence in calculus-based college physics designed for engineering, physical science, and pre-professional studies majors. This course covers mechanics (statics and dynamics), rigid-body dynamics, fluids, and thermodynamics.

    Prereq/Corequisites: MAC 2311 .

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements.
4 Credit Hours ♦
  • PHY 2049C - College Physics II

    4 Credit Hours
    (Spring, or offered as needed)

    This course is the second in the physics sequence. Topics covered are wave theory, electrostatics, magnetostatics, EM fields and waves, DC circuits, and AC circuits. This is a preparatory class for students taking circuits and electronics classes in upper division science and engineering courses.

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 2048C , MAC 2312 

    Corequisite(s): MAC 2312 . In special circumstances PHY 2048C  and PHY 2049C can be taken out of sequence with instructor approval.

4 Credit Hours

Political Science

  • POS 1041 - American Government

    3 Credit Hours ♦ ¶
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Examines government, political ideals, and institutions. Strong emphasis is placed on political thought, the origin of the American federal system, and the distribution of powers between state and national governments. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.

    Prerequisite(s): a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communications/verbal/reading achievement, successful completion of any required developmental English and Reading coursework with a grade of “C” or better, or exemption from placement testing.

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements.  

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit.   


3 Credit Hours ♦ ¶
  • POT 1002 - History and Ideas of Political Science

    3 Credit Hours ❖
    (Offered as needed)

    This course reviews classical ideas, political theory and institutions from a historical and comparative viewpoint.  It examines the rise of the State, its organization, economic systems, the use of force, and persuasion.  This course qualifies as  having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education programs common prerequisites.


    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.

3 Credit Hours ❖

Public Administration

  • PAD 3003 - Public Service Operations

    3 Credit Hours

    An introduction to public administration and policy in America. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students a basic understanding and appreciation of the administration of the public sector. It is intended to provide an overview of public administration for students interested in public service and for students, who as good citizens, want an appreciation of the complexities of public management.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 3393 - Advanced Emergency Management

    3 Credit Hours

    This course examines functional demands that emergency managers should be aware of in crafting emergency management policies and programs. Students investigate how public policy choices impact emergency planning and the consequences of a disaster. It is designed to help the student develop an in-depth understanding of overall emergency management principles, practices, and standards in the local, national, and international environments.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 3820 - Public Safety System Integration

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course compares and contrasts the various components of the public safety sector.  The course examines the working relationship between public safety organizations and the effectiveness of the various service delilvery models.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 3874 - Community Relations

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course will expose the student to community relations theory and practice within a broad range of public safety organizations.  Students will understand why positive community perception of public safety is critical to funding and operational effectiveness.  Students will explore the public safety responsibility in establishing business continuity both in preplanning and following a disaster.  Each student will gain the insight and skills necessary to be effective in the community relations function of public safety administration.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 3882 - Issues in Public Service Administration

    3 Credit Hours

    This course focuses on current issues and trends in the field of public service administration. The course is structured to introduce management and administrative topics in public service, examine the implications to the field, and reformulate recommendations. This course will begin developing skills in project design and presentation. This course will enhance critical thinking skills.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 4878 - Capstone: Public Service

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course provides an opportunity for the student to complete a professional project and apply information and skills studied in core and concentration program courses under the direction of the professor.  Successful completion of the course requires demonstration of achievement of the program’s learning outcomes.  This course should be completed in the last term before graduation.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing.

3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 4933 - Special Topics in Public Administration

    3 Credit Hours

    This is an individual or group course designed to provide students with the opportunity to pursue a special topic(s) from the area of public administration in depth; may be repeated as topics change.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing and permission of the instructor. 

    This course may be taken up to three times for credit.
3 Credit Hours
  • PAD 4940 - Internship: Public Service

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This is an individualized internship course that provides the student with supervised professional experience utilizing skills acquired in the program of study.  The student will work with a qualified work site supervisor on approved projects related to his or her degree in a professional environment.  The work site supervisor will evaluate the student’s performance, and the student will submit report(s), examples of projects completed, or other assignments as required by the instructor, as appropriate, during the internship experience for evaluation by the college instructor.  If this course is taken for credit more than once, the student must, on the second and subsequent (if applicable) enrollment(s), develop in concert with the work site supervisor and college instructor a unique set of objectives and assessments.

    Prerequisite(s): upper division standing and permission of instructor.

3 Credit Hours


  • CLP 1001 - Personal Adjustment

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Psychology of adjustment, application of psychological theory for problem solving and better mental health. An examination of psychological defense mechanisms and adaptive behavior.

3 Credit Hours
  • CLP 2140 - Abnormal Psychology

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A study of the different problems in psychopathology, including anxiety, depression, social deviance, psychosis, schizophrenia, mental retardation and general brain dysfunction of both children and adults, with emphasis on descriptive etiology, known causes, and treatments.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 2012 .

3 Credit Hours
  • PSY 2012 - Psychology

    3 Credit Hours ♦
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Surveys of the various fields of psychology. Understanding human behavior by studying the adaptation of the individual to the physical and social environment.

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements. 
3 Credit Hours ♦


  • RTE 1000 - Introduction to Radiologic Technology

    2 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to provide an overview of the history of radiography and the role and scope of practice of the practitioner in the healthcare delivery system. Organizations, accreditation, federal agencies, regulatory agencies (including OSHA) and professional credentialing will be discussed. Content includes a fundamental background in medical law, ethics, human diversity and patient consent. The student will examine a variety of ethical issues and dilemmas found in clinical practice, as well as developing a better understanding of patients, the patient’s families, and professional peers through comparison of diverse populations based on value systems, cultural and ethnic influences, communication styles and socioeconomic influences. Radiographic Medical Terminology will be covered.

    Prerequisite(s): admission to the Radiography Program.

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
2 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1111 - Introduction to Radiographic Patient Care

    2 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to prepare radiography students to provide basic patient care. Basic concepts of patient care will be described, as well as infection control procedures and standard precautions. This course includes hospital specific training. Health risks, life stages, HIV/AIDs and domestic violence will be discussed. This course also includes an introduction to medical and radiographic terminology. Topics include vital signs, venipuncture, body mechanics and transport, verbal/nonverbal communication, and some pharmacology.

    Prerequisite(s): admission to the Radiography Program.

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
2 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1418 - Radiographic Techniques I

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to establish a knowledge base in factors that govern and influence the production and recording of radiographic images. This course introduces the student to a comprehensive study and theory of the production of x-rays and primary exposure factors of radiographic imaging. The image parameters of density, contrast, recorded detail, image distortion and blur will be studied as well as ancillary devices and equipment required to produce a quality radiographic image. Film and digital imaging with related accessories will be emphasized. Class demonstrations and labs are used to demonstrate application of theory.

    Prerequisite(s): MAC 1105  or other Gordon Rule math course and admission to the Radiography Program.

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1457 - Radiographic Techniques II

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of RTE 1418 Radiographic Techniques I , and is designed to introduce the student to various specific radiographic methods and techniques, such as automatic exposure control, fluoroscopy and image intensification, macroradiography, subtraction radiography, conventional tomography, digital image receptors, and digital image acquisition and manipulation. The student will also be instructed in calculating heat units, tube rating charts, anode cooling chart, and characteristic curves.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1418 .

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1613 .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1503C - Radiographic Procedures I

    4 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to provide the Radiography student with instruction in radiographic examinations of the chest, abdomen, upper extremity and lower extremity. An introduction to medical and radiographic terminology, radiographic anatomy, and image critique are also included.

    Prerequisite(s): BSC 1085C  or BSC 2020C  and admission to the Radiography program.

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
4 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1513C - Radiographic Procedures II

    4 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of RTE 1503C . It is designed to provide the student with instruction in radiographic procedures and anatomy in the distal extremities, hip region, spine, ribs, and sternum and the cranium. Critical thinking, medical and radiographic terminology, as well as image critique are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1503C , RTE 1804L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1814L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
4 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1613 - Radiographic Physics

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to establish a knowledge base in radiographic, fluoroscopic, mobile and tomographic equipment requirements and design. Course content also includes the basics of magnetism, electricity, motors, generators, rectifying systems, x-ray tube and filament circuitry. Topics in electromagnetism such as self and mutual induction, high voltage transformation, and AC rectification will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1418 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1457 .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1804L - Radiography Clinical Education I

    2 Credit Hours

    This course involves the practical application of the theories covered in  RTE 1503C  and RTE 1000 . Rotations provide experience with various imaging systems, protocols, and patient care. Students observe, assist and perform basic radiographic procedures (chest, abdomen and extremities) under direct supervision. This course emphasizes patient care and critical thinking. This course meets at the affiliate hospitals. Uniforms, name badges and radiographic markers required.

    Prerequisite(s): admission to the Radiography Program.

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1503C , RTE 1000 , RTE 1111  and RTE 1418  

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
2 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1814L - Radiography Clinical Education II

    2 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of Radiography Clinical Education I. This clinical training emphasizes lower and upper extremity. Medical and radiographic terminology, patient care, critical thinking and communication skills are emphasized. This course meets at the affiliate hospitals. Uniforms, name badges and radiographic markers required.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1804L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1513C .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
2 Credit Hours
  • RTE 1824L - Radiography Clinical Education III

    4 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of Radiography Clinical Education II. The student is expected to continue to refine those skills related to objectives listed in Clinical Practicum’s I and II. The student will gain experience and develop clinical competence in general radiographic procedures such as the cranium and specialized contrast studies. Advanced patient care skills, critical thinking, imaging and exposure techniques, radiation protection application and image processing will be emphasized. This rotation covers clinical experience in all phases of fundamental radiologic procedures and image critique. Students will rotate through ancillary departments in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1814L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2523C .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
4 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2061 - Radiographic Preparation for Practice

    4 Credit Hours

    This course is designed review information in preparation for the student to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT) registry examination. The course will cover patient care and education, image production, equipment operation and maintenance, radiographic procedures and radiation protection. The student will also be given simulated registry examinations for practice and assessment purposes.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 2844L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2854L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
4 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2385 - Radiographic Protection and Biology

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the principles of interaction of ionizing radiation with lining systems. Ionizing effects on molecules, cells, tissues and the body as a whole are presented, along with factors affecting biological response, including; acute, chronic, stochastic and non-stochastic effects. This course is also designed to present an overview of the principles of radiation protection including the responsibilities of the radiographer for patients, personnel and the public. Radiation health and safety requirements of federal and state regulatory agencies, accreditation agencies and healthcare organizations are incorporated, as are the various methods of monitoring radiation exposure and acceptable dose limit values.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1000 , RTE 1418 , RTE 1457 , RTE 2523C 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2844L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2473 - Radiographic Quality Assurance

    2 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to introduce the student to the quality management of medical imaging, including quality control procedures and image analysis/critique of radiographs. This course will include theory and practical applications to routine quality control check on routine, fluoroscopic, mobile, and tomographic radiography equipment. Quality control tests on ancillary equipment, such as film processor, view boxes, grids and leaded protective equipment are also included. Acceptable parameters for QC tests, as established by various regulatory agencies will also be presented. This course teaches the student to critically analyze radiographic images for image quality and diagnostic value, as well as formulating corrective action as needed. Class demonstrations and labs are used to demonstrate application of theory.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1418 , RTE 1457 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2844L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
2 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2523C - Radiographic Procedures III

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of RTE 1513C  covering cranium procedures and positioning. It is designed to provide the student with instruction in more complex radiographic procedures such as fluoroscopy, urinary studies, bone age, trauma, pediatrics, mobile and surgical radiography. Included is instruction in additional modalities and studies such as CT, MRI, arthography, myelography, and vascular studies. Attention will be given to the specialized equipment, contrast media, critical thinking and techniques necessary to perform these procedures. Radiographic anatomy, pathology, and critique of images are included in this course.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1513C 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 1824L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2571 - Introduction to Computed Tomography

    1 Credit Hour

    This course is designed to provide entry-level radiography students with an introduction to and basic understanding of the operation of a computed tomography (CT) device. Content is not intended to result in clinical competency.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1457 

1 Credit Hour
  • RTE 2782 - Radiographic Pathology

    3 Credit Hours

    This course is designed to introduce theories of disease causation and the pathophysiologic disorder that compromise healthy persons. Etiology, pathophysiologic responses, clinical manifestations, and radiographic appearance of alterations in body systems will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on pathological findings on diagnostic radiographic images, in both conventional and digital formats.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 2523C 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2854L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
3 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2844L - Radiography Clinical Education IV

    6 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of RTE 1824L . The student is expected to continue to refine those skills related to objectives listed in Clinical Practicum’s I, II and III. The student will gain experience and develop clinical competence in specialized imaging procedures, and mobile, surgical and trauma radiography. Advanced imaging skills and exposure techniques will continue to be provided. Rotations through ancillary areas continue.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 1824L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2385 .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
6 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2854L - Radiography Clinical Education V

    6 Credit Hours

    This course is a continuation of RTE 2844L . The terminal objective for this course is to prepare the student for employment as an entry level technologist. The student is expected to continue to refine those skills related to objectives listed in Clinical Practicum’s I-IV and trauma radiography. Advanced imaging skills and exposure techniques will continue to be provided. Rotations through ancillary areas continue.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 2844L 

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2061 .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
6 Credit Hours
  • RTE 2910 - Radiographic Evidence Based Practice

    1 Credit Hour

    This course is designed to develop the student’s research, writing and oral presentation skills; while completing assignments, both independently and collaboratively, with minimal direction and supervision. Methods of research, appropriate style of writing, citing work, and using APA format will be covered.

    Prerequisite(s): RTE 2523C  

    Corequisite(s): RTE 2844L .

    ♦This college credit course may not be applied toward the A.A. degree and normally is not intended for transfer unless the student transfers to a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences degree program that is specified under the Florida Statewide AS to BS Articulation Agreement.
1 Credit Hour


  • REA 0007 - Developmental Reading I

    3 College Prep Credits
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course is designed to improve the student’s ability to comprehend college level written material (not applicable for degree completion). Conducted in a lecture/lab setting, this course is designed to improve vocabulary, comprehension, listening, and study skills. Also covered (at a basic level) are the skills that conform to PERT standards. Activities and materials are designed to meet the students specific needs as determined by diagnostic instruments. Placement is determined by a score of 50-83 on the PERT. Students must pass with a “C” or better to move on to REA 0017 .

    Corequisite(s): SLS 1101 .

    * College preparatory credits may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
3 College Prep Credits
  • REA 0010 - Modularized Developmental Reading I

    3 College Prep Credits
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to comprehend college level written material. Conducted in a lecture/lab setting, this course develops proficiency in specific targeted reading skills and strategies primarily through a self-paced delivery model offering a personalized learning experience. A diagnostic exam given the the first week will be used to allow students to focus on those skills for which they have not demonstrated mastery. Students may exit from the course only after passing the course  with a minimum grade of “C” and obtaining a passing score on thel Reading Comprehension exit exam.

    Prerequisite(s):  score of 50-83 on the PERT, or on an elective basis with a score of 84 or higher on the PERT.

    Prereq/Corequisites: SLS 1101  

    * College preparatory credits may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
3 College Prep Credits
  • REA 0011 - Modularized Developmental Reading II

    3 College Prep Credits
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to comprehend college level written material (not applicable for degree completion). Conducted in a lecture/lab setting, this course develops proficiency in specific targeted reading skills and strategies primarily through a self-paced delivery model offering a personalized learning experience. A diagnostic exam given the the first week will be used to allow students to focus on those skills for which they have not demonstrated mastery. Students may exit from the course with a grade of  “C” or better and by obtaining a passing score on the Reading Comprehension exit exam.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in REA 0007  or REA 0010  or score of 84-105 on the PERT, or elective basis with a score of 106 or higher on the PERT.

    * College preparatory credits may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
3 College Prep Credits
  • REA 0017 - Developmental Reading II

    3 College Prep Credits
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to comprehend college level written material (not applicable for degree completion). Conducted in a lecture/lab setting, this course emphasizes the development of the higher level reading skills and vocabulary needed for literal and critical interpretation of passages similar to those used in college textbooks. Students may exit from Developmental Reading II only after passing the course work with a grade of “C” or better and obtaining a passing score on the Reading Comprehension exit exam.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in   or score of 84-105 on the PERT or elective basis score 106 or higher on the PERT

    * College preparatory credits may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
3 College Prep Credits
  • REA 0056 - Developmental Reading Module

    2 College Prep Credits
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to comprehend college-level, written material (not applicable for degree completion). Conducted in a lab setting, this course is self-paced, designed to allow students to focus on their individual development of higher level reading skills and vocabulary needed for literal and critical interpretation of passages similar to those used in college texts. This course may be taken in place of REA 0017.  Students must pass the class with a “C” or better and obtain a passing score on the end of course exam.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must score 96-105 on the PERT or elective basis score 106 or higher on the PERT.

    *College preparatory credits may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
2 College Prep Credits
  • REA 1205 - Reading Across the Genres I

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This college-level reading course employs a variety of literary genres as the source material for building student skills in comprehension, context clues, reading speed, critical analysis, vocabulary, and other related reading skills. Students will be exposed to numerous styles and levels of reading material including novels, short stories, critical essays, drama, news reporting. Students will also develop a personal reading preference profile and learn how to identify books, magazines and other reading material commensurate with that profile.

    Prerequisite(s): PERT placement score of 106 or higher.

3 Credit Hours
  • REL 2300 - Introduction to World Religions

    3 Credit Hours ❖ ¶
    (Offered as needed)

    This course will explore the principles and practices of the world’s major religious traditions. The religions will be studied in their historical and contemporary forms. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.

    Prerequisite(s): a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communications/verbal/reading achievement, successful completion of any required developmental English and Reading coursework with a grade of “C” or better, or exemption from placement testing.

    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit. 

3 Credit Hours ❖ ¶
  • REL 2930 - Religion – Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A defined special topics course which is pursued under supervision of a faculty member and recorded through usual departmental procedures. Designed to permit a student to pursue non-scheduled academic and laboratory work which may be of a specialized nature and not available through the college schedule.

3 Credit Hours

Safety and Quality Control

  • ETI 1420 - Properties of Materials and Cutting Tools

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to the basic properties of materials, principles and processes in the metal working and plastics field, and tools and machinery involved in manufacture of metals of plastics. This course covers non-chip producing and chip producing manufacturing processes.

    * This college credit course is not intended for transfer and may not be applied toward the A.A. degree.
3 Credit Hours
  • ETI 1710 - Occupational Safety

    3 Credit Hours
    (Spring, Summer, Fall)

    A basic course in occupational safety and health covering such topics as: theories of accident causation, workplace hazards, hazard analysis and prevention, accident reporting, OSHA, ergonomics, product safety, workers’ compensation, and stress on the job.

    * This college credit course is not intended for transfer and may not be applied toward the A.A. degree.
3 Credit Hours
  • ETI 1713 - Implementing Total Safety

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A course on implementing the total Safety Management (TSM) approach to workplace safety and health. Major topics include the TSM Steering Committee, TSM Facilitator, and improvement project teams (IPTs).

    * This college credit course is not intended for transfer and may not be applied toward the A.A. degree.
3 Credit Hours
  • ETI 2110 - Total Quality Tools

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course prepares students to effectively solve business/process/product problems, track process performance, find process and product improvement opportunities, and validate improvements made, using the necessary intellectual tools and procedures including: Five-S, flow charting, Pareto analysis, cause and effect diagrams, histograms, check sheets, scatter diagrams, stratification, statistical process control, failure mode and effects analysis.

    * This college credit course is not intended for transfer and may not be applied toward the A.A. degree.
3 Credit Hours
  • ETI 2131 - Statistical Process Control

    3 Credit Hours
    (Spring, Summer, Fall)

    A course covering the fundamentals of SPC. Major topics include: rationale for SPC, inhibitors of SPC, management’s role in SPC, the quality tools, and control charts.

    * This college credit course is not intended for transfer and may not be applied toward the A.A. degree.
3 Credit Hours

Sign Language

  • ASL 1140 - American Sign Language I

    4 Credit Hours ❖
    (Fall, Spring)

    Introduces the student to the basic vocabulary and finger spelling of American Sign Language. Emphasis will be on learning to express this language in a simple form and have a basic receptive language competency.

    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours ❖
  • ASL 1150 - American Sign Language II

    4 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course increases the student’s American Sign Language vocabulary and uses more complex expression of thoughts, ideas, and emotions and increases the receptive and expressive proficiency of the student in both sign and finger spelling.

    Prerequisite(s): ASL 1140  or an equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better

    ❖This college credit course qualifies as having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education Programs common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours
  • ASL 2160 - American Sign Language III

    4 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    A conversational course in American Sign Language utilizing skills and vocabulary from American Sign Language I and II and building on these to form more complex expressions in American Sign Language. Impromptu and planned stories, dialogues and skits will be performed. Receptive and expressive finger spelling will be advanced. No voice will be used for the majority of classroom time.

    Prerequisite(s): ASL 1150  or an equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better.

    ❖This college credit course qualifies as having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education Programs common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours


  • SYG 2000 - Sociology

    3 Credit Hours ❖ ♦
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    An introduction to the basic theories, concepts, and descriptions of individuals, groups, and societal behaviors. Basic themes include an overview of culture, socialization, deviance, and social institutions, with an emphasis on the dynamics of families, government, and economic influences.

    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements.     


3 Credit Hours ❖ ♦
  • SYG 2010 - Social Problems

    3 Credit Hours ❖ ¶
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Introduction to the sociological study of the nature of social problems to insure understanding of their impact on the individual, the group and social institutions in societal and cultural settings. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.

    Prerequisite(s): a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communications/verbal/reading achievement, successful completion of any required developmental English and Reading coursework with a grade of “C” or better, or exemption from placement testing.

    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit.   


3 Credit Hours ❖ ¶
  • SYG 2430 - The Family and Society

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    An examination of the problems which arise out of participation in marriage, family and community situations. Designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the dynamics of family interaction, the effects upon the children, and the family’s relationship to and participation in the community.

3 Credit Hours

Social Sciences

  • DEP 2004 - Human Growth and Development

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A research oriented course in human development, covering the life span of the human being from conception to death. Special emphasis placed upon the interrelationships of the stages of development of the normal person.

3 Credit Hours
  • ISS 1905 - Independent Study – Social Science

    1 Credit Hour
    (Offered as needed)

    Directed study and individual projects designed to meet the needs of students interested in a specialized area of the social sciences for which present course availability is limited.

    This course may be taken up to four times for credit.
1 Credit Hour


  • SPN 1120 - Spanish I

    4 Credit Hours ❖
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Pronunciation and grammatical structures of Spanish, with emphasis upon balanced development of all four skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Covers all basic structures of the language.

    ❖ Courses listed with this symbol have an international and/or diversity focus and meet Teacher Education Programs’ common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours ❖
  • SPN 1121 - Spanish II

    4 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Pronunciation and grammatical structures of Spanish, with emphasis upon balanced development of all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. Covers all basic structures of the language.

    Prerequisite(s): SPN 1120  or an equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better.

    ❖This college credit course qualifies as having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education Programs common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours
  • SPN 2220 - Spanish III

    4 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Intermediate level review of grammar, readings in Spanish Literature, and development of conversational and writing skills.

    Prerequisite(s): SPN 1121  or an equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better.

    ❖This college credit course qualifies as having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education Programs common prerequisites.
4 Credit Hours
  • SPN 2221 - Spanish IV

    4 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Completion of intermediate level review of grammar, readings in Spanish literature, and development of conversational and writing skills.


    SPN 2220   or an equivalent course with a grade of “C” or better.

    ❖This college credit course qualifies as having an international and/or diversity focus for Teacher Education Programs common prerequisites.

4 Credit Hours

Speech and Debate

  • SPC 1006 - Essentials of Speech

    1 Credit Hour †
    (Offered as needed)

    This course can be used to satisfy missing transfer requirements and/or oral components required in certain programs. Individuals participate in the preparation and presentation of speeches.

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.
1 Credit Hour †
  • SPC 1608 - Public Speaking

    3 Credit Hours †
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    Emphasis is on assisting the individual to develop his/her potential in oral communication. Individual participation in preparation and presentation of speeches reinforced by continuing group analysis and constructive criticism.

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.
3 Credit Hours †
  • SPC 2300 - Interpersonal Communication

    3 Credit Hours †
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    This course studies the speech communication principles involved in one-to-one interaction, comprehensive listening, conflict resolution, family and group communication and intrapersonal thought. Learning techniques may include small group participation, role play, as well as formal and informal presentations.

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.
3 Credit Hours †
  • SPC 2511 - Discussion and Debate

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is designed to provide learning experiences in rational decision making incorporating the techniques of persuasion through organized procedures for argumentation, debate and discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): membership on forensic team.

3 Credit Hours

Sports, Fitness & Recreation

  • LEI 1544 - Outdoor Recreation Management

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring)

    This course examines the fundamental influences on outdoor recreation. The course also provides information on hazards, conservation considerations, and safety factors in planning and organizing outdoor recreations. Basic first aid, CPR, and AED training is incorporated as it pertains to outdoor recreation. Field trips may be assigned as warranted.

3 Credit Hours


  • THE 1905A - Independent Study – Theater

    1 Credit Hour
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A defined independent study which is pursued under supervision of a faculty member and recorded through usual departmental procedures. Designed to permit a student to pursue non-scheduled academic and laboratory work which may be of a specialized nature and not available through the college schedule. Departmental approval required. Placement test is required. The course includes Writing-Across-The-Curriculum. If used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education, a minimum grade of “C” is also required.

    Prerequisite(s): Approval from department chair, a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communication/verbal/reading achievement or successful completion of ENC 0025  and REA 0017 .

1 Credit Hour
  • THE 2000 - Theatre Appreciation

    3 Credit Hours † ♦ ¶
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to theater and theatrical production. Topics span a wide range of interest – critical, historical, aesthetic and practical – intended to lay a foundation for further knowledge and skill of the theater. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.  This course contains an oral communication component and may be used to satisfy the Speaking-Across-the- Curriculum requirement.

    Prerequisite(s): a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communications/verbal/reading achievement, successful completion of any required developmental English and Reading coursework with a grade of “C” or better, or exemption from placement testing.

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.

    ♦ Courses listed with this symbol are Florida State Core Courses and are protected in transfer to other public state institutions as meeting the state Core General Education requirements. 

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit.   



3 Credit Hours † ♦ ¶
  • THE 2071 - Humanities – Cinema Appreciation

    3 Credit Hours † ¶
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to the origin, development, cultural aspects and analysis of cinema topics. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.

    Prerequisite(s): a passing score on the standardized placement test measuring communication/verbal/reading achievement or successful completion of ENC 0025  and REA 0017 .

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit. 


3 Credit Hours † ¶
  • THE 2300 - Dramatic Literature

    3 Credit Hours † ¶
    (Offered as needed)

    Survey of dramatic works from the Greeks to the 20th century, with emphasis on the plays of the 19th and 20th centuries; intensive investigation and script analysis with reports, lectures and discussions. This is a Gordon Rule writing course and is part of the college’s Writing-Across-the-Curriculum program. A minimum grade of “C” is required if used to meet Gordon Rule requirements for general education.

    Prerequisite(s): ENC 1101  

    † Courses listed with this symbol address NWFSC’s Speaking-Across-the Curriculum student learning outcome, namely that all associate degree graduates are competent in basic public speaking skills.

    ¶ Courses listed with this symbol meet writing requirements outlined in FAC Rule 6A-10.030 and require a minimum grade of “C” when used for General Education credit.      


3 Credit Hours † ¶
  • THE 2820 - Musical Theater Workshop

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to creative dramatics and children’s theater. Topics span a wide range of interests; creative experience, children and theater, workshop procedure, script selection, rehearsal and performance.

3 Credit Hours
  • THE 2821 - Musical Theater Workshop II

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Creative dramatics introduces the many elements of theater: dance, voice and musical theater. Topics span a wide range of interests: the creative process, workshop procedures, rehearsal and performance. Creative Dramatics will focus on producing a final performance.

    Prerequisite(s): THE 2820 .

3 Credit Hours
  • THE 2930 - Theater – Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    (Fall, Spring, Summer)

    A defined special topics course which is pursued under supervision of a faculty member and recorded through usual departmental procedures. Designed to permit a student to pursue non-scheduled academic and laboratory work which may be of a specialized nature and not available through the college schedule.

    This course may be taken up to four times for credit.
3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 1210 - Stagecraft

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is an introduction to the principles of stagecraft: stage terminology, stage safety, instruction in proper use of shop tools, basic theater construction methods, understanding of theatrical rigging, and understanding of general background practices.

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 1290 - Technical Theater Lab I

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to technical theater and scene technology. Topics include scene drawings, safety and health, stage facility, basic crafts, two and three-dimensional scenery, scene painting, scene assembly, rigging, properties, special effects and shop organization.

    Prereq/Corequisites: TPA 1210 

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 2220 - Technical Theater Lab II

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to stage lighting. Topics include history of stage lighting, fundamentals of light and illumination, lighting control, and lighting practices.

    Prerequisite(s): TPA 1210 .

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 2232 - Introduction to Costuming Technology

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to costume techniques and wardrobe practices. Topics span a wide range: costume construction techniques, problems in costumes, costume history, construction styles, sewing machine practices, seam finishes, flat pattern layout and production techniques. This course is intended to develop practical experiences in theater costumes.

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 2276C - Entertainment Technology - Crafts

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course presents the practices and principles of advanced woodworking, welding, smithing, casting, ceramics, plaster work, fiberglass and plastic technology for the entertainment industry. State of the art tool technology, shop and field practice, health and safety standards will be emphasized. These crafts are entertainment industry oriented that will use items created in a realized production.

    Prerequisite(s): TPA 1210 .

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 2331 - Costume Construction

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An introduction to costume construction techniques and wardrobe design. Topics span a wide range: costume construction techniques, problems in costumes, costume history, construction styles, sewing machine practices, seam finishes, flat pattern layout and production techniques. This course is intended to develop practical experiences in costume construction.

    Prerequisite(s): TPA 2232  

3 Credit Hours
  • TPA 2600 - Stage Management

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    This course is an introduction to the study and application of stage management as it relates to the manager portfolio, the stage manager morgue, rules and regulations relating to I.A.T.S.E., rules related to contracts, competence in stage management, proper communication with directors, technical directors, designers, cast members and crews, competence in technical discussion areas and basic first aid.

3 Credit Hours
  • TPP 1190 - Rehearsal and Performance I

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An ensemble theater performance experience open to any student who wishes to develop rehearsal and performance skills. Students must participate in scheduled rehearsals and performances.

    Prerequisite(s): experience in high school or a desire to learn.

3 Credit Hours
  • TPP 1191 - Rehearsal and Performance II

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An ensemble theater performance experience open to any student who wishes to develop rehearsal and performance skills. Students must participate in scheduled rehearsals and performances.

    Prerequisite(s): TPP 1190 .

3 Credit Hours
  • TPP 1192 - Rehearsal and Performance III

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    An ensemble theater performance experience open to any student who wishes to develop rehearsal and performance skills. Students must participate in scheduled rehearsals and performances.

    Prerequisite(s): TPP 1191 .

3 Credit Hours
  • TPP 2110 - Acting I

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Through in-class performance the student will develop an understanding and proficiency of those skills of movement, voice, and expression which are required of a theatrical performer.

3 Credit Hours
  • TPP 2111 - Acting II

    3 Credit Hours
    (Offered as needed)

    Through in-class performance, the student develops an understanding and proficiency in styles of acting from classic through modern.

    Prerequisite(s): TPP 2110 .

3 Credit Hours

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